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Zayn POV...

I was about to arrive at our new house that my mom bought when my eyes caught on the girl walking past to me. As she walk pass by, I cant help myself to watch her mesmerizing eyes that sparkles perfectly before me. I was out of breath thinking how someone like her hold such beauty in the eye. It totally captivated my heart at that moment.

As I came back to my senses, I smiled at her hoping for smiling back to me. And she was. She smiled back at me in an instant. I was glad she did it and I was happy with that. I somehow feels that this place welcomes me in open arms and I hope that she lives nearby so that I can meet her.

I pulled over behind the big truck and began giving instructions to where to put certain things at the house.


Rose POV...

I arrived at school ten minutes before the bell rang. So I went to my locker to put some things unnecissary and I began walking to my first period classroom.

As I arrived at the room, the classroom was almost fully packed.

I sat at the second to the last seat at the center of the classroom. It didnt bother me that I was at the back because im not comfortable in being at the front. It feels like all of your classmates is watching your back and I hate it. I just dont like the feeling that you are being watched. I dont have many friends here in school but im not bothered with it. Some of them try to talk to me but I just go with the flow. Im not popular, im not also weird at all. Im just being me. I do my own things but not in a creepy way. I jam with them sometimes but not to often.

So I decided to seat here. A few moments later, Mr. Tan, our Art instructor came in.

“Good Morning Everyone!” As Mr. Tan greeted as in open arms and a huge smile in his face.

As soon as that, he deliberately announce what this subject about and ofcourse he also told us about how passionate he was when it comes to art and so I am!!. I was beggining to feel the excitement in this subject. So he let us copy our objectives.

While copying the objectives, he distributed to us a drawing book. I think it consist at least 150 pages. As everyone was covered up, Mr. Tan then told us instructions.

“Ok Everyone, listen up. As you can see, I distributed each one of you a drawing book. It consist of 150 pages. Now, I want you to create art! draw art! Express whats on your mind into that book. Be creative and dont set any limitations. Express Art Beyond the boundaries. And also design the front page and make sure to put your name at the center of the book. Its all up to you what design you will create and make sure to impress me. And I expect that to be full before the school year ends. Full of Magnificent Arts. Abstract scenes. Colorful and eye-catcher art. Comply that and you will rewarded with high grade.” Thats what Mr. Tan told us.

And for me, Art lover and number one fan of art, is excited as Mr. Tan. And with that, he let us begin to design our front page. I pull out my coloring pen materials, pencil and my eraser. I immediately scribbled my name at the center of the book. After that, I doubled it with my markers. And I began to design it happily.


An hour passed by and I didnt even noticed the time because I was so in to design my drawing book. As the bell rang, I put away all the materials and drawing to my backpack and immediately walk outside.

Second subject was next. Physics.

So I went to Physics Lab. I put my bag at the shelves and I put on my lab gown and safety masks. Number one rule here: No Labgown, No mask, No entry.

Same routine as the first subject. By the time I watch my watch, the bell rang which means 3rd subject is up. Everyone quickly went out of the Physics Lab as if there was a fire inside. I on the other hand was the last one who got out. I removed my labgown and gloves and retrive my bag from the shelves.

I walk to my next class which is History. I hate to say it but History class is so boring. And Im not definitely a fan of history class.What brings good anyway if bringing up all the history today. I mean, The Past is past. We shouldnt recall the wars and let the dead rest.

As I arrived at the History room, the class is loud. Some where talking here, there, Everywhere!  As I walked inside, some eyes where on me and I cant help it. I walk with my head low and finally reaching my table at the same spot. At the back. After a few moments, our Instructor arrived. The class was quiet in an instant.

I could tell that this subject and our instructor will be tough. As she settled in, same routine as well but differs a bit bacause she made a project in an instant. She explained to us as I listened carefully on not missing any details. After an hour of discussing, introducing and small excercise, finally the bell rang. So I hurried to pack my things and head out to grab my lunch.

As I was approching to the canteen, I think one of classmates talk and walk beside me and start a conversation.

“ Hi! Im Stacey.” and she gestured her arms to me as we walk towards the canteen.

“ Hello. Im Rose. Nice to meet you.” as I grab her hand and shake it. I smiled at her and I could see a smile diplaying at her face.

“Can we eat together? Because its lonely to eat by myself on a first day of school.” she laugh as we arrived at the canteen.

“Ofcourse.” was all I answered to her and smiled but I think she was OK with it. We then lined and waited for our turn. As our turn, I grab my lunch as she grab her full plate and head to a vacant table.

“Can you eat all of that? ” I cant help myself asking her on how on earth can she eat all of that after we have our seats.

“Yes and are you sure that are you going to be full on that? because if you want more, you are welcome to eat some of my food.” she said to me.

“Thank for the offer but Im ok with this. Im not a heavy eater person.” I said and she laugh.

“Well I am a heavy eater. I dont know why but I feel incomplete if I cant eat as many as this.” she then let out a chuckle.

On our lunch break, we ask random questions at each other and I learned that her name was Stacey Wilson, she eats heavy, she like color red and green, she doesnt like dating guys, she live 6 blocks away from my house, and ofcourse I get her phone number. The lunch was over and its time for the next subject. Same routine for all the remaining subject left. Introduce, learn objectives, met new people and I was glad that Stacey has the same subject as I do so in some subject, we were like partners when it comes to projects and assignments.

As the last subject ends, I was happy that the class was finally over and met new friends from different classes. As I walk away from school, I just realize that this day was great. I started to walk to my house and remembered that we were going to have new neighborhood. I hoped that this new neighborhood of ours will not be the same neighborhood before. I then remembered the boy I met before going to school. I hoped  that he lives there...

to be continued...


I Updated another chapter! 2 Chapters in a Day?!! YAY!!

This chapter is longer than the first chapter so I hoped you like it. Dont forget to VOTE, SHARE and COMMENT anything guys!!! If any questions, just PM me. Big thanks !!! ;)


Stay tuned cause I update sooner  than you expect!!

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