Twisted Turns

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  • Dedicated to My little brother Jakey!

Chapter 2

            Jason was still trying to get over the fact that I had a severed head in my bag. “What the hell are you going to do with it?” he asked for probably the billionth time in a row.

            Rolling my eyes I replied, “You have your hobbies and I have mine, now where the hell are we going?” He refused to say anything so I stopped walking and grumpily sat down in the middle of the sidewalk getting pissed off stares from the people around us.

            Trying to haul me to my feet Jason exclaimed, “Oh come on.” I just gave him a look and curled up into a ball tripping him down right next to me. I started to laugh hysterically until he shoved my face into a wall. “Fine we were going to get dinner at this fancy restaurant I know but if you don’t want to…” he trailed off and smirked at me while I glared fully back. Damn boy using my one weakness against me; fancy food that I couldn’t afford.

            Refusing to look him in the eyes I dragged him to his feet glowering when he started laughing. I couldn’t keep up the act for long though when the restaurant came into view, it was called Fancy Eating. Snorting I stated, “Wow I wonder how long it took them to come up with that name.” Jason laughed along with me and held open the door for me. Immediately people started giving us weird looks since we were covered in dirt and black shadows that could be passed off for oil stains, I frowned wondering if I should back out when Jason wrapped his arm around my shoulders and literally dragged me to a table booth.

            Just to annoy the hell out of him since Jason said he was buying I ordered the most expensive thing I could find on the menu, king crab legs with a side of steamed vegetables and a steak cooked medium rare. Jason rolled his eyes over at me stating, “There is no way in hell you will ever be able to eat that much.”

            Taking a sip of the sprite I ordered I quirked an eye brow and asked, “Is that a challenge, because if it is I want to put money down on it.” He gave me a look before slapping a twenty down on the table between us; I followed suit. Our food showed up at that moment with the waiter giving us strange looks but I just gave him a huge smile which he returned. When Jason looked over at me I shrugged and said, “What? Don’t talk to me I’m going to win this bet.”

            In the end I did win the bet but Jason didn’t look mad instead he laughed as I skipped out of the building and into the rain. I twirled around with my arms spread wide then stopped, staring at Jason who was smiling at me. Tilting my head to the side a sudden thought hit me and I saw that it was past three in the morning; Billy’s shop would only stay open until dawn. Rubbing my head awkwardly I said, “Well thanks for dinner and all of that but I really need to be someplace at the moment.”

            He opened his mouth to say something but I had already turned around and started lightly jogging away, it would be light out in less than two hours. The last time I looked over my shoulder Jason was still standing there watching me; with nothing else to do I waved my hand then full out sprinted to Central Park, hurrying to Billy’s house.

            He was pleased with the haul I got and gave me six hundred dollars with another bag of fudge. Leaning back into the arm chair I sighed, “Why does life have to be so difficult?” Billy gave me a look then sat down next to me handing me a steaming cup of apple cider. Taking a sip I just said, “I met this other vampire slayer named Jason and I think I actually might like him but the only reason he’s a vampire slayer is so he can save his old girlfriend; it sucks!”

            Propping his feet up onto a stool Billy said, “Well do you think he likes you?” I shrugged my thin shoulders and he said, “Well if he goes out of his way to find you then you will know if he likes you or not.” I gave Billy a thoughtful look then stood up to take my leave. Showing me to the door he asked, “Can I expect to see you in two days then Violet?” I nodded my head, he gave me a fatherly hug, and I made my way out into the night wondering what the fuck I was supposed to do now since I wasn’t tired at all.

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