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     Alfred just stayed in his trailer. Quiet. A day had passes and he wasn't up for facing the world yet. He just wanted to stay in his bed for days to come. There, he wouldn't have to meet new people and let them go so easily to the world which hated his guts completely.


     He glanced over at the open door to see Arthur standing in the doorway.

     "Go away, Mr. Kirkland. I don't want any company right now."

     "Alfred, you're acting like a child. I know what happened. Your brother Matthew told me." Arthur said.

     Alfred just turned his body on his other side, facing away from Arthur. Why was he acting like this? Why couldn't he just say he was jumping for joy to see Arthur now. Arthur then sat beside Alfred,

     "Alfred, Stop acting like this. You're a grown man and I'm pretty sure I'm the only person in London right now who knows that you fell into depression. I'm the only company you have right now at all. You better-"

     Alfred then sat up, hugging Arthur tightly but not too tightly. "I'm sorry." he whispered.


      "I said, I'm sorry, Arthur. I'm sorry. I really am. I didn't want to but I ended up falling in love with you completely. I mean, It's not my fault you're so freaking handsome or have amazing eyes, it the way you talk and-" He was about to stop himself until he realized he had done that to himself for too long. "Or just everything about your personality is just perfect as it can be. I can't believe you would ever love me back though. I have no money. I have no home. I don't have anything."

     "Alfred, you're such an idiot." Arthur had tears in his eyes and was laughing, facing him now, "I never cared about any of that. I only cared about your personality. That's how I fell in love with you. When we danced at the party at town hall, that's when I fell in love with you. The way you laughed, the way you were so clueless,  and afterwards, we still had a wonderful time dancing. Just us two."

     "I love you."

     "I love you too."

      Alfred then pulled Arthur into a loving and gentle kiss. They both loved it and it was very much needed by Alfred at the time.

     "Thank you Arthur, for actually coming and seeing me. I'm sure you have lots of work to do than visit me being this pathetic." Alfred chuckled.

      "I'd rather see you even when you are 'pathetic' like this than do my work so early this morning." Arthur smiled. And it was a real smile too.

     "Thank you." Alfred smiled back.

     "You're welcome."  Arthur then looked around, "What do you plan on doing with your circus now?"

     "I thought about it a little and I may just sell the tent and the trailers. That would get me enough money for some important things."

     "You can come live with me if you'd like. Just to get back on your feet."

     "I can't do that! I feel like I'd me intruding!"

     "Not at all. Besides, I live in that giant house all alone because my parents bought it for me. It's just been only me and a few maids and butlers around the house. With you, it won't be a problem. It would be like bringing a mouse into a pet shop, it won't be a problem."

     "Well, thank you again. And I may just consider it."

      "Great! Cause I feel the need to see you daily. Just to make sure you're not cheating g on me or anything."

       Alfred made a face.

      "I'm joking." Arthur said.

      "Oh." Alfred nodded. "Haha?"

      "You're such an idiot." Arthur kissed him again.

     "I know."Alfred chuckled, kissing him back.
      (A week later)

      "You look better today." Arthur said, walking into Alfred's room he gave him in Arthur's house. It was nightfall and before Arthur left for the day, he advised Alfred to rest.  "You look more well rested."

     Alfred yawned, sitting up, his glasses on the nightstand beside his bed. "And I've been taking better care of myself too."



     "Why aren't you wearing a shirt?"

     "Oh! this is how I always sleep. It's cooling and it's so I'm not so hot."

    Arthur had a flicker in his eyes. He then sat down close to Alfred, "Well, too late~"

   "Oh, you want to be like this, huh?" Alfred smirked. He then flipped their position so that he was on top of Arthur, "Then I'll be like that too~"

     "Go ahead. I won't stop you~"
     "Just know I won't go easy on you either~" 

     "Perfect. I won't mind at all~" Arthur then pulled Alfred into a hot kiss, Alfred needing to lean down to kiss him back.
     The two woke up in Alfred's bed the next morning, Alfred being the first to wake up. He then smiled when he kissed Arthur gently and Arthur tried to kiss him back in his sleep. 

    "Artie~" Alfred chuckled.

   "Mmm." Arthur made a noise, moving closer to Alfred.

   "I love you~" Alfred whispered. Arthur then fluttered eyes open to see Alfred smiling.

    "Your mean." Arthur turned over, facing away from him. Alfred frowned and crawled next to him, spooning Arthur.

    "I'm sorry, Artie. I didn't mean to."

    "Mhmm." Arthur then turned his head and kissed Alfred's face since he was that close. Alfred smiled and snuggled him closer, making Arthur smile.

     "I love you~. I love you~. I love you~." Alfred whispered.

     "Stop it, you bloody wanker. I just want to sleep a little longer."

     "Okay, okay. Sorry." He kissed him gently, pulling the covers over them, "I'll let you sleep."

     "Thank you, Alfred." Arthur said softly, taking Alfred's arm and putting it around him. "And I love you too."
    To be continued....

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