A/N: Hello! Here it is! The Book Cover that you have requested @lovehacker. Thank you so much for waiting. Since I really don't have any clue what you really wanted, so I made 4 Book Covers for you. What I will be posting at the multimedia is the one that for my point of view was the best but still, it's your choice in the end. I will send the links of the Book Covers that I had made for you at your inbox.
Click the EXTERNAL LINK for the another BC for you. ^_^
>July 5,2014
> TIME CHECK: 12:35am
> "STORY OF MY LIFE" by: lovehacker
If you will going to use the BOOK COVER that we have made please give us the credit and post it at the 1st page/ chapter/ Proloqued of your book that we are the one who made the cover but if you won't use it just upload it at your multimedia. Thanks ^_^
Jas_Gab BOOK COVER Request's SHOP
Random[√]Closed [ ] Open [ ] Busy [ ] Idle Jas_Gab BOOK COVER Request's SHOP were PAYMENTS are OPTIONAL ^_^