A/N: Hi! Here's your First Book Cover Request. The second link that I have sent at your inbox is the one that is perfectly fit at your Book Cover while the first one that I have sent to you is not, so you may used it at your multimedia if you want. For the Cover you may go at your inbox and click the 2nd link that I have sent to you or CLICK THE EXTERNAL LINK for it. Thanks
>July 12, 2014
>TIME CHECK: 9:01am
>"THE BEAUTY WITHIN OUR MISTAKES" by: meowitsaaliyah
If you will going to use the BOOK COVER that we have made please give us the credit and post it at the 1st page/ chapter/ Proloqued of your book that we are the one who made the cover but if you won't use it just upload it at your multimedia. Thanks ^_^
Jas_Gab BOOK COVER Request's SHOP
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