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                                                        -[Scorpio's POV]-

Gasping, Scorpio opened his eyes and immediately shut them. Stupid Sun... he thought angrily. He slowly crawled out of bed and closed the curtains. That's when he noticed the unfamiliar room.

"What the.."he muttered while looking around. He didn't remember this place. Actually, he couldn't remember anything at all!

The one thing he couldn't deny is how much this room felt like the beach. It had calming blues and greens, and all the furniture was made of light brown wood, mimicking sand.

He shrugged it off and walked over to the closet. There he picked out a green t-shirt, black leather jacket and black ripped jeans, and sneakers.

Opening his door, he slowly walked out. He looked down the hall and saw eleven other doors each with different names on them. Not important right now. He left the doors alone and continued to explore the building he was in.

All of a sudden, he heard two voices approaching him. He watched as two girls walked down the hall and approached them. "Hey!" The girl with (h/c) waved. "Who are you?" the other one with (h/c) asked after noticing him."I'm Scorpio," he replied. "Who are you two?"

"I'm Pisces," the one with (h/c) said. Pisces was wearing a light, silky shirt and bouncy skirt. She also had comfortable sneakers on. Her eyes were (e/c) and sparkled with creativity. She was average height, almost taller than Scorpio himself.

"And I'm Cancer," the other one said. Cancer seemed like a more shy girl. She was wearing less flashy clothing: a deep blue jacket and dark leggings. She was also wearing sneakers. Her eyes were a soft (e/c), telling Scorpio she had a lot of emotions locked away.

"Do you know where we are?" He asked, not really caring.

"I think we're in a dormitory. The calendar on my desk said March 21, 20XX. The clock on the wall said around 8:30 in the morning." Scorpio was surprised by how observant she was. Cancer looked away, blushing slightly.

"We were trying to find the main hall. That's what the TV said," Pisces explained. A TV? In a dormitory, where students were trying to learn? That's odd. He waved away the thought and focused on the matters at hand.

"Great, I'll come with you," he replied. There was nothing else to do anyway. "Do you guys remember this place? I have no clue what's going on."

"I don't-" Cancer was cut of by Pisces.

"Isn't it strange that no one knows this place? Do you remember anything about your life? Oooh, what if we were super powerful magic-wielders in a past life, like the ones in books?!" Scorpio doubted that they had magic. After all, there was no proof.

Then again, there was no proof there wasn't, either...


"There it is!" Pisces yelled, running to the door. Scorpio chuckled. She really was excited. He casually walked towards the door, not wanting to waste his energy. Cancer pushed open the doors to reveal twelve seats and a podium in the front. The place was huge. Columns lined the sides of the hall. There were tables next to them, probably for eating. A huge clock hung over the podium at the front. A crystal chandelier illuminated the whole hall.

He looked around and noticed three other teens sitting near the front. One of them, a boy with (h/c) and (e/c) turned around and noticed them. "Come on over," he said beckoning them towards him.

Together, the three of them sat down in the three chairs in front of them.

"I'm Taurus," the boy that had invited them over introduced himself. A girl sat in the middle of him and another boy, who was on his phone. "This is Virgo," he explained, gesturing to the boy. "And Capricorn," he gestured to the girl in the middle. Capricorn waved.

"I'm Scorpio, this is Pisces, and this is Cancer." Pisces smiled back while Cancer hid under her jacket hoodie. Taurus smiled back.

"Do you know why we're here?" Capricorn inquired. Pisces shook her head. "Nah, we've figured out the date and time, not that those are very useful."

"Yeah, we have those already." An awkward silence filled the room.

Scorpio decided to break it. "Uh, Virgo, whatcha' doing?"


"Reading what? Come on, be a little social!"

Virgo sighed and put down his phone. "I'm reading about astrology, the study of stars."

The words sparked something in Scorpio. Apparently, the others felt it too, as Pisces blinked and frowned. "Didn't that have to do with.."

"With-ARGH I CAN'T REMEMBER!" Pisces gritted her teeth, eyebrows knitted in concentration. "Wasn't it important? It was something about dates and seasons and-"

She was cut off as the double doors were flung open again.


Madi wrote the first draft, then I added detail and stuff.

Edit 6/4/2018: Added a few more sentences for detail. Also made minor changes to spacing.

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