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-[Scorpio's POV]-

Scorpio stepped out of the bus, grateful to be free of the crazy people in there. He winced at the recent memory of the fire signs screaming nursery rhymes into his ears. Leaves the colors of fall blanketed the ground beneath his feet.

Shaking his head, he walked forward, examining the campsite they had arrived at.

There was a big building made of wood and stones in front of him, probably to eat meals. Behind it sat a row of wooden cabins. To his left there were several horses in a fence. He could see some mountains behind the forest. He could also faintly hear the sound of a river nearby.

Pisces stepped out after him, stumbling a little. He quickly caught her, then let her go. She gazed quietly into the trees. Was her face a little red or was that the light reflecting off of the leaves?

"Thanks," she whispered gratefully.

"You're welcome."

He spotted the group congregating in front of Mrs. Johnson and pulled Pisces over to join them. The little whispering and gossiping quieted down as Mrs. Johnson addressed the group. "After settling down in your cabins, you will meet at the big pavilion for lunch." He followed her gaze to see several chairs and tables scattered across it. "Your cabins will be arranged in groups of four. However..

"You will not be allowed to choose your cabin mates."

"Cabin 1: The Midnight Ravens will consist of Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius and Aries. Cabin 2: The Scarlet Roses will consist of Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces and Virgo. Cabin 3: The Aspen Oaks will consist of Taurus, Libra, Cancer and Leo.

Scorpio bit his lip. All their planning was wasted. He was stuck in a cabin with Aries and Aquarius. His face remained impassive as he contemplated ways to get Mrs. Johnson back without getting in trouble.

"Now for the hazards in the forest." Everyone looked up, at attention now. "There are monsters that roam this forest at night. Be prepared with your training. There is no curfew, as I expect you to be responsible enough to handle yourselves." That was a mistake. The fire signs wouldn't even sleep the whole week.

"You are dismissed." The group dispersed, each heading towards their respective cabins. He met up with Capricorn before heading to Midnight Raven. The girl intrigued him. She was one of the students he couldn't figure out. Capricorn will be my only chance of surviving the week with Aquarius and Aries in my cabin...

He paused for a moment to inspect his cabin. It was the size of a small cottage, and like the pavilion, it was made of wood and stone. The door had a neat, wooden, sign on it spelling out 'Midnight Raven' in all caps. The door had no lock, so he went inside.

Inside was a sitting area with light sofas facing a TV around a glass coffee table. In the corner was a kitchen and 4 wooden barstools. The appliances looked fairly modern in contrast to the rustic style of the cabin. There was a laundry room off to the side.

Opening a door led to the bunks, which were surprisingly all in one room. A large rug was spread out to make an area for board games. There were closets for each person, walk in but pretty small. Two separate bathrooms were labeled for each gender and were set up for two people each bathroom. Two sinks, two showers and a hot tub in each bathroom.

He walked back out to the common room. Capricorn, Aries, and Aquarius were all there, arguing about bunks. He sat down and the argument quieted down.

"Oh..hi Scorpio," was a quick greeting from Aries.

"About the bunks.." he began, assuming the role of Cabin leader for the time being. "We should have Aqua and I on the top bunks while Scorpio and Capricorn get the bottom bunks. I'll be on top of Capricorn and Aqua on top of Scorpio."

They all nodded and went to their respective bunks, unloading all their stuff to the bathrooms and bunks. Aries dumped out a ton of belongings, while Aquarius kept it simple: a pair of headphones, a phone charger, said phone, a book, a flashlight, and clothes and toiletries.( Me though)

After everyone was unpacked, they all headed to the pavilion for lunch. Sunlight filtered in through large glass panes. Tables sat inside and outside for different preferences and weather. A cafeteria line was off to the side. A sliding door lead to the patio, which was where the outside tables were located. Scorpio looked around and noticed a stage at the front of the room. I wonder why that's there.

Shrugging, he walked towards the lunch line and grabbed a burger and fries.

He found Virgo and Taurus at an indoor table, probably because of the heat. He rushed through the line and claimed a seat next to Virgo.

"So what are your cabin mates like ?" he asked.

"Horrible! The whole time they talked about decorating our cabin!

They talked about what he should do before Mrs. Johnson called for attention on the stage. "Alright, all of you are free for the rest of the day." Cheering from the others echoed throughout the building.

After Mrs.Johnson walked away Scorpio got up and walked to the lunch line to grab a burger and fries.

Right when he sat back down with his plate the lights suddenly dimmed. Looking towards the stage he saw Capricorn sitting on a bench ready to play the piano.

Then without warning she began to sing.

After her performance everyone clapped. Softly blushing, she walked off stage and sat down. Smiling slightly, Scorpio finished his meal before walking back to his cabin.


Scorpio flopped onto the bottom bunk in his cabin. The whole day's events had tired him out. He checked to see if everyone was asleep, then slipped out for a midnight walk.

The shadows in this forest were shyer than the ones at the school. He coaxed some out and wrapped himself in them, effectively cloaking himself. After getting directions from the shadow of a sleeping bird, he started towards the river he'd heard earlier.

Ever since he'd learned to talk to his own shadow a month ago, Scorpio had relied on it for advice in new situations. Unfortunately, he had to speak to it out loud, so he refrained from talking to it during the day or in public.



"You were watching the whole day, weren't you? What do you think about the camp so far?"

I think... It paused for a minute.

I think that Capricorn's performance was wonderful. I think you can survive the week with Capricorn, heck, it might even be enjoyable.

By the way...you got pretty close to Pisces back there.

Scorpio was glad no one was there to see him go red. "So what? I've been sitting next to Cancer and Pisces since the first day of school."

I think you two are pretty cute together-

"Nope, no way, not in a trillion years." He ignored the shadow as it tried to protest and instead pushed through some branches to the river. It flowed quietly, the water silver with the light of the moon.

He took his shoes off, suddenly compelled to dip his feet in the water. It was cool, and seemed to be stroking his feet gently.

After a few more minutes, he headed back to the cabin, grateful that no monsters had interrupted his stroll. He slipped under the covers, and finally succumbed to sleep.


I don't understand how this is so long-

I suck at plots sorry

expect a lot more weird stuff


-[Published 9/16/2018]-

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