Victoria Mathews

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The suicide of Victoria Mathews had consumed the gossip of every girl at St. Agatha's school for girls. It had also consumed the thoughts of the world considering that she was the daughter of Chris Matthews, one of the richest businessmen in the world. Neither Victoria or her family had a history of depression which was what made her sudden death so shocking. For at least two months it was all the school girls could talk about. They whispered about why there was no note and who would now inherit the vast fortune that was once her's now that she was dead. Victoria had no other siblings other than a older brother who the second he turned eighteen disowned his family and had not been heard from since.
Olga herself had to admit that she constantly talked about Victoria, but not in the way that the other girls did. Olga was slightly cynical and always assumed the worst. Olga was also ridiculously nosey and loved getting into other people's business. For once this childish habit of hers actually ended up bringing about some good.
For starters the fact that there was no note sparked Olga's interest. What spoiled rich tart didn't leave a note outlining her daily agony and why she couldn't spend another second on this Earth? Olga was also not a huge fan of Victoria. She was the richest girl at the school and was your typical boarding school popular girl. Despite her general dislike for the redhead, Olga still wanted to know if there was something more to this. Was she forced to kill herself or was she really murdered and it was made to look suicide? Olga serval times convinced herself to stop digging and just let things be, but she couldn't sit still for long.
The first thing that convinced her that there was more to Victoria's death was the fact that the bathroom they had found her body hanging from was still considered a crime scene after two months and no students or staff were allowed in. This of course didn't stop Olga from sneaking in one friday night and finding a dried blood splattered all of the wall. Her first thought was to call the the police, but then her better senses kicked in. This was a police declared crime scene, they knew more than she did.
For about a week she let things be, thinking that the police were keeping this quiet due to the fact that the family wanted it out of the papers. But her habits forced her to do more digging which allowed her to come across the fact that the chief of police for the city of New York was related to Victoria. He was a distant cousin, but the Mathews family was a small one. Mr. Mathews had no siblings. His father had no other siblings, but his step mom did. It turns out that the police chief was the nephew of Mr. Matthews late step-mother. This of course caused her to research the Matthews family tree which lead her to one startling fact. That Ian Motors, chief of the New York City police, was now in line to inherit the vast Matthews fortune since Victoria's brother disappeared.
At this point in Olga's investigation she was convinced that it was Ian. But how could she prove this? He was the chief police. It was her word against his and she was smart enough to figure out who would that debate. For about another week Olga did her best to just ignore every piece of evidence she had come across, but once again Olga had to keep digging. She knew that if she was going to prove that Ian was guilty she would need a lot more evidence. This was when Olga decided to start talking to police officers. Not ones who were close to the chief, but the newbies and rookies. The ones whose minds had not been poisoned by greed and who could observe everything that went on without being noticed. Unfortunately not a single newbie cop wanted to side with a 17 year old girl with a conspiracy theory about the death of her classmate.
It wasn't until a week and a half later and Olga found herself questioning if it was Ian. She was watching the news when they announced that only about three months after the suicide of his daughter the incredibly rich owner of Matthews Tech would be getting a divorce from his third wife and would be marrying his fourth. The news anchor also said that the soon to be Mrs. Matthews and Victoria's father had been having an affair for almost two years, but that Mr. Mathews had not wanted to divorce Victoria's mother so he would not ruin his relationship with his now dead daughter. After watching this report Olga found herself wondering if maybe the mistress had killed Victoria, after all she had a motive. That night Olga did some digging on the young women who would soon start living the lavish life that Victoria once enjoyed. The mistress was named Ashley Baker and she was 28 year old making her 15 years younger than Mr. Mathews. She had come from an extremely poor family and the two had apparently met at a charity event.
Now Olga was faced the problem of deciding who did it. Was it Ian, the heir to the vast Matthews family fortune? Or was it Ashley soon to be Mathews? They both had motive. Olga eventually decided that she needed more evidence for both and knew she had to talk to Victoria's best friend, Eliza Dart. Eliza came from a family almost as rich as Victoria's and was just as stuck up. She was blonde with fair skin and baby blue eyes. Olga had math class with her and caught brought up Victoria on the way to lunch after the class.

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