Tyler Powell (PDH)

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Fandom: Aphmau


Tyler Powell

Nicknames: Ty or Tyty



Birthday: September 17th




Hair: dark green hair but there's about an inch of dark brown roots that she's too lazy to bleach and dye green. Her hair is at about shoulders length.
She has a few layers here and there from when she gave herself a fringe during her emo phase. (Lowkey still emo)

Eyes: light brown

Skin: slightly tanned.

Height: 5'4

Body type: she's a little chubby but it doesn't really show under clothing unless she's wearing a crop top.

Clothing style:

With these pictures, I'm sure you can get a hint of what clothes she wears.

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Okay basically edgy ass clothing

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Okay basically edgy ass clothing. But she still wears her uniform to school, obviously.


Tyler is a very political and controversial person. She loves debating with people with just about any topic. She has an opinion on anything she understands and is always willing to speak with people with a different opinion to learn. She loves learning. Knowledge is her most prized possession. She usually listens to ber brain rather than her heart, which can cause her some distress. She's very intelligent but of course she has a weakness. Math. Any sort of math. She even has to count with her fingers with something as simple as addition and subtraction. Tyler loves creativity. It's the only thing she can pour her heart out to. She loves just about any form of art. Tyler is also a very friendly person and can become friends with the majority of people. She's always there for her friends and is always willing to help someone in need. She also spends way too much time on twitter.

Talents: she can sing, play the guitar, piano, and ukelele. She can draw pretty well. She really has an eye for photography. She's also very good with video production.

Not very good at: math, dancing, painting, and many many other things.

Pet peeves: annoying and loud people, self centered people, kids who just don't care about their work in school for no exact reason, etc etc

Loves: pop punk/ pop rock/ punk rock/ emo/ alternative/ rock music, movies, anime, manga, youtube, photography, videography, twitter.

Sexuality: bisexual

Dreams/ hopes for her future: band photographer


Tyler Powell grew up in the city of Scaleswind. Originally, she was born in O'khasis but lost her family lost her house due to financial problems. She was very young when her parents got divorced. She was only in the second grade. Ever since then, Tyler has lived with her mother. She very vividly remembers the night they decided a divorce would be best. Her parent's divorce caused her a few mental issues. She's been attending therapy weekly ever since that time in her life. She doesn't really need it anymore, she's found peace with her art but she enjoys therapy. When Tyler was to attend high school, her and her mother moved to Phoenix Drop. They didn't do very well financially (again) and living in Scaleswind just cost alot more money. Originally, Tyler had planned to attend O'khasis prep. She would've gotten in if it wasn't for how poor she is at math. So instead, Tyler attends Phoenix Drop. She's the school's yearbook photographer and the debate club's president.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2018 ⏰

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