The Mordeo

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In the middle of the woods lay a dead man. He was wearing a red and white striped hat. His head was turned painfully to the side.

Hunched over the man was yet another man. He held a chunk of the man's flesh in his hands.

He ripped into the flesh, making small delighted noises of satisfaction. Blood covered his face and his clothes.

The blood felt warm against the chilly breeze. It was like a blessing against the bitter cold.

As he continued to rip apart the man's flesh he shivered in delight. He hasn't eaten in days. He was lost in the forest and hasn't seen even a single bird for a week. At first he thought he was hallutionating when he saw the flash of red and white of this man's hat. He thought he was absolutely crazy when he was sure he heard the soft crunch of feet against the leaves covering the ground.

He was so hungry that he attacked the man without thought. And now here he was.

He ripped another peice of flesh off the man and continued to eat.

He paused mid-bite when he heard someone laughing. He looked around confused. Then his eyes landed on the dead man in front of him. His eyes widened in shock and horror at the sight before him.

The dead man's eyes were open and he was laughing. The dead man's head quickly snapped towards the direction of his killer, making a terrible cracking noise in the process.

The man continued to stare at the sight before him with terror in his eyes.

The body on the ground simply said, "It's okay that you killed me. You were hungry. There's no shame in that. But there's a price for eating human flesh in these woods." His mouth carved in a haunting smile.

"You now belong to the Mordeo." He added on, his smile somehow, slowly, becoming even wider.

"First comes the antlers." As soon as the man finished saying those four words, the man stood up quickly and cried in pain.

His head felt like it was about to explode. He clutched his head in pure agony. He gingerly touched the top of his head, where it hurt the most.

There he felt little two razor sharp points. He felt down, only to meet a strange scaly like texture. Horns, he thought in horror.

"Next is the flesh." The man in the striped hat continued.

Once again the man screamed in agony as all the skin off his face peeled away, slowly, piece by piece.

He grabbed his face in pain and ripped off the remaining flesh. He brought his hands out in front of his face, and opened them. Then he dropped the flesh that used to be part of his face onto the leaves on the forest floor. They each made a soft thunk as the as they hit the crunchy leaves beneath.

The man's screams abruptly came to a stop. He looked up slowly. His face was now nothing more than a skull, with horns curling elegantly skyward.

He turned his face skyward and let out a inhuman and haunting howl.

"Then comes the feast." Finished the man laying on the forest floor.

The beast that was once a man, then looked down at the man, and started to rip vigorously into the body in front of him.

All the while the man laughed hysterically. He laughed and laughed until there was nothing left of him, but bones.

I promised they would get better didn't I? .(^-^). Well at least I thought it was way better than the other ones. But that's just me. You can comment what you think.

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