Flowers And China Patterns

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Date: February 2022

"Well why don't we decorate the church with lilies," Gina suggested as she, Natalie and Katelyn looked through bridal magazines at Gina's house.

Katelyn's mother had taken some time off of work and had taken point on planning Chandler and Katelyn's weddings. With some help from both Katelyn and Gina of course.

They could have hired a wedding planner, but neither Chandler nor Katelyn saw the need to pay the extra expense and besides, both Gina and Natalie wanted to plan the wedding, especially the former, who had been cheated out of one wedding when her son eloped last year.

"I was thinking the same thing, and then what if we decorated the church and reception hall with white lights ," Natalie said and glanced at her daughter, who has looking through a magazine containing wedding dresses.

"You find the perfect dresses yet sweetie?"

Katelyn set down the magazine and smiled at her mother and soon to be mother-in-law.

"I have actually well sort of, I need permission from both of you, to take your wedding dresses to LA with me in a couple of weeks," Katelyn said, anxiously awaiting the response from both women.

"Why?" Gina asked and Natalie nodded.

"Well I was thinking that instead of wearing one of your dresses, I would take them to a friend of Sabrina's in LA and have him create a dress that incorporates both of your dresses," she looked at them, fiddling with her fingers waiting to see their reaction to her proposal.  

"That has to be the sweetest idea I've ever heard," Natalie said.

Gina nodded, "I totally agree," she smiled at her future daughter-in-law, "Thank you Katelyn, it really means a lot that you want to incorporate part of my dress into your own."

Katelyn smiled back, "Your welcome, I love you both and besides I'm really the only option if you want someone to get married in either of your dresses," a light chuckle escape her lips and both of the older women joined in.

"So what does Chandler think of your brilliant idea for your dress?" Natalie asked.

"I believe his direct words were 'babe that sounds like a brilliant idea, you'll look so hot in a white dress'," Katelyn used air quotes with her fingers and she repeated what her fiancé had said.

Natalie cackled and Gina rolled her eyes.

"My son, what a charmer," Gina said and Katelyn giggled.

"Has he been contributing to the wedding plans?" Gina asked curiously.

Katelyn sighed, "I don't know, I mean he's been helping in his way, we picked out the church, he's planning the honey moon and he had a blast picking out a caterer," she laughed at the last part, "But when it comes to things like flowers and china patterns and everything, he doesn't seem to care."

"Katelyn, most guys are like that," Gina said, "When William and I got married, his biggest contribution to the wedding planning was picking out the church and reserving the country club for our reception," a sad smile formed on her face at the memory of her deceased husband and Natalie squeezed her hand in support before turning to her daughter.

"Sweetie you dad helped me decide on the cake and that was it. Some guys just don't have an interest in certain things like flowers and china patterns, it just not in there DNA."

"I guess you're right, it's just sometimes I wish he would help me make some of these decision, I want his opinion on this stuff, his opinion is really important to me."

"Then get him to help you," Gina said and if he argues, tell him I'll be giving his brother some baby pictures to put in the slideshow," Gina said with a sly smirk on her face and they all laughed.

"Oh Katelyn, Gina and I were thinking about that bird you have..."


"Here," Katelyn said and tossed a file folder onto the table.

Chandler looked up at her with a questionable look, "What's this?"

"It's all the information about the possible flower arrangement and china patterns for our wedding and we're going to spend tonight making our final decisions regarding them," She said, giving him a pointed look.

"Now? But Corey and I had plans to play Battlefield all night," Chandler wined.

"Well you and your playmate will have to reschedule for another time," she said and Chandler shot her a mock glare.

She ignored him and sat down beside him, picking up the folder, she opened it and showed him a picture of several different China patterns and began to explain it to Chandler.


Chandler leaned back on the couch and let out a grown. "Does it really matter what I think, you clearly now what you want, and I'm not that worried about the flowers."

For the past hour Chandler had learned more about pastels, flower arraignments and China patterns then he ever wanted to.

"Because your opinion matters to me," Katelyn said in frustration.

"Look, I don't really care about Flowers and Chin patterns, the only thing that I care about is that you and I are there making a promise to spend the rest of our lives together in front of our friends and family. I don't care about any of this extra stuff, I'll I care about is that when it's over we'll be husband and wife."

Katelyn dropped the folder and wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a deep kiss.

"I love you," she said.

"I love you too," he said back.

"There is one more wedding plan I need to run by you," Katelyn said.

"If it has anything to do with the colour of the tablecloths I'm leaving," Chandler said.

She giggled, "No it's about Beaky."

He raised his eyebrow at her, "What about Beaky?"

"Our moms thought it might be cute if we somehow could incorporate him into the wedding, they thought the guest would enjoy his candour," Katelyn said and awaited Chandler's response.

Before Chandler could respond, Beaky came flying into the living room.

"Going to the chapel, gonna get married," He squawked as he flew into the kitchen.

Chandler turned towards Katelyn, "Fine he can be in the wedding but he's not singing."

Katelyn laughed and shook her head.

The more and more they talked about it, the more and more they looked forward to their wedding.

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