I Won't Let You Fall

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Request from STPRYTELLER ! Thanks for the request, hope you like it!

Date: August 2018

Both Chandler and Katelyn had been to Disney World before, but this was the first time they'd be going together and that simple fact was why they both had a spring in their step as the ran hand in hand towards the front gate.

Their former cast mates laughing at the young couple's excitement.

AMC had managed to swing a deal with the park, the park would remain open for a couple hours so the cast could use the park in private. So before Walker Stalker Orlando started in two days, the cast stopped in Anaheim so they could enjoy the night at the park all to themselves.

Half of the rides were kept open along with a couple concession stands, allowing the cast somewhat of the full "Disney Experience."

As soon as they passed through the gate, they stared in awe at the bright lights emitting from the castle and all the little shops lit up around the street.

Katelyn squealed when Mickey and Minnie came over to pass out ears and take pictures with the cast.

Katelyn and Chandler took pictures together with Mickey and Minnie and then together, cast members past and present took a group picture with Mickey and Minnie.

Once the photos were done, the group split off in different directions, Katelyn dragged Chandler towards Space Mountain.


"Can't we get corn dogs first?" Chandler asked as they climbed up the stairs to the ride entrance.

Katelyn giggled, "We'll get corn dogs after a couple rides. I don't want you getting sick after you've eaten twelve of them," she teased.

"I can't remember the last time I had corndogs from an amusement park or fair," Chandler said as he stuffed their hats and Katelyn's purse into a cubby. He smiled as he watched her rapidly buckle herself in the seat. It was adorable how excited she got over roller coasters.

As Chandler sat down beside her, he felt a knot in his stomach.

Katelyn didn't know that he wasn't a fan of roller coasters, he didn't mind the smaller ones that were often at fairs, but the big amusement park ones scarred him. He had this irrational fear of the huge drop on large roller coasters, he had a fear that the restraint would come loose during the drop and he would fall out and hit the ground.

The fear all started after he saw something on the news when he was younger about a boy who fell out of the roller coaster during the ride and died from the fall.

The knot in his stomach tightened when he felt the ride lurched forward and started climbing the track.

He looked over at Katelyn. She had a huge smile on her face and she turned her head and looked at him, "Ready?" she asked as the ride neared the top of the track.

He forced a smile, "Yeah, I'm ready."

"It fine, its fine, everything is fine...you're not going to fall, this thing is completely safe," he said to himself over and over again as the cart made two sharp turns and then lurched as it dropped down along the track.

Katelyn was screaming and cheering as the cart twisted and turned along the track, Chandler meanwhile had his eyes squeezed shut and was inhaling through his nose as the ride continued.

When it stopped, Chandler hesitantly opened his eyes. When he saw that they'd made it back, he let out a sigh of relief. He breathed heavily, trying to get rid of the nausea he had and looked around and silently thanked the Heavens that he hadn't fallen out of the ride.

"Chandler," Katelyn said, shaking his shoulder, pulling him out of his thoughts, "You okay? You look a little green," she teased.

"Yeah, Kat I'm fine, just haven't been on a roller coaster in a while," he said, laughing.

"The guy asked if we wanted to go again," Katelyn said, her eyes were filled with excitement, "Want to?"

"I-uh-I," he planned to say no, but stopped when he noticed the excitement in her pale blue eyes, he sighed and smiled, "Yeah, let's ride this thing again."

Katelyn squealed and turned towards the attendant, "We're going again," she called and gave a thumbs up.

The attendant gave a thumbs up in return and the ride lurched forward.

Chandler sighed and took a deep breath and closed his eyes as the cart once again climbed the track.


"Chandler, hurry up, we only have thirty minutes left and I want to ride the 'California Screamin,' it's only here for the month," Katelyn called excitedly as she ran towards the huge rollercoaster.

"I'm coming," Chandler called as he reluctantly ran after her, he just wanted some corn dogs.

He'd spent the last few hours going on every roller coaster more than once and he felt that he was on the edge of a nervous breakdown.

When they got to the entrance, Chandler stopped cold when he saw the drop on the coaster. It was really steep and he nearly puked right then and there.

I can't do this, he thought as he stared at the ride.

"Chandler," Katelyn called from halfway up the stairs, "Are you coming?"

"Yeah, sorry...I got distracted," Chandler said as he slowly made his way up the stairs behind her.

"Please don't let me die," he whispered as he got to the top of the stairs and followed an excited Katelyn towards the cart.


"I can't do this, I can't do this," Chandler mumbled as the cart started to move forward.

He had figured he could just close his eyes and pray for it to be over like he had done before, but when he realized how long the climb was, he had started to panic.

"Katelyn I need to get off," Chandler said urgently and she looked at him with a concerned look.

"Chandler what's wrong?" Katelyn asked.

"I can't be on here," he looked over the side of the cart and saw how high up they are okay, "I hate heights, I hate roller coasters," his speech was fast and panicky, "I'm going to fall, this thing," he shook the shoulder restraints, "will fail and I'm going to fall."

"Chandler it won't, it's locked," Katelyn said softly, trying to calm him, she'd never seen him like this. He hadn't done this on any of the last rollercoasters.

Chandler didn't respond, he was starting to hyper-ventilate and was shaking.

Katelyn grabbed his hand and laced her fingers through his, "No you're not, the latched is locked, the attendant checked it," she felt the coaster picking up speed as it almost reached the top, "And if by some fluke it does, I won't let go of your hand, I won't let you fall," she said softly.

"Promise?" he asked in a small voice.

She smiled affectionately at Chandler and nodded, "Promise and after, we'll get some corn dogs."

Chandler smirked and squeezed her hand gently as the ride went around the turn and slowly began to drop.

For the first time, he wasn't afraid to open his eyes during the drop, he still wasn't the biggest fan of heights, but as long as his hand was intertwined with Katelyn's, his fear of roller coasters and falling was gone. He knew that Katelyn wouldn't let him fall. She'd keep him safe.

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