Zombies.. Is it?

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"Zombies! Zombies! ZOMBIES!"

"Cindy wake up!" I heard my mom yell from a long distance.

"Cindy!" She shrieked.

"What mom what?" I said rubbing my eyes. All I saw was a blur, I needed my glasses. I went to my dresser and put on my glasses. When I put them on I saw my mom beating up some guy. I ran to my phone to called 911 but for some strange reason they weren't responding, so I called my dad he was also not responding.

"What the hell is going on" I yelled in frustration.

I grabbed my brothers baseball bat and charged at the guy. I smacked him clear on the face and he went down. He wasn't moving.

"Is he d-dead" I asked.

"I hope" my mom said. I looked at her confused. Then she saw my expression and turned the guy around. He had bloody red eyes and his intestines were coming out and his mouth was full of blood and flesh.

"Is h-he a zombie?" I asked worriedly.

"Yup and he's not the last of them so get your little brother and let's get the hell out of here!" She yelled.

It was dark in Timmy's room I could not see a thing. I reached for the lamp and switched on the light. There was blood everywhere and Timmy was dead.

"Nooooooo!" I scram. Then I heard a noise come from the closet. Before I got to see what it was the power went out and then last thing I heard was a munch.

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