Chapter 1

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POV: Isabella Mitchell

The bell rang loudly, waking me up suddenly. Fuck, I fell asleep again.

'Isabella Mitchell! Had a good nap darling?' Miss Parker, my bitchy teacher who thought she was funny, asked me with a frown on her fat face. Ugh, why the fuck does she call everyone darling. Definitely a child molester, that one. Too fat to get any dick her age.

'Sorry Miss,' I answered, insulting her mentally.

'Your concentration in my class really needs to improve otherwise it'll be a detention, sweetie.'

Miss Parker and her many rolls of fat waddled off to eat all the biscuits in the staff room. Good riddance, bitch.

I saw my other classmates leaving. Oh bollocks, how long have I been asleep? I need to listen in Sociology. It's Year 12 now, I really need to get my shit together.

'Hey Bel, you coming?' asked my girlfriend Shay, laughing. 

'Whaaaat?' Ugh, my voice sounded like an old man. Sexy.

'Come on, you bitch, we're gonna be late for lunch!' 

I rolled my eyes and got up, yawning, stuffing my Sociology folder into my bag. Shay's soft tanned hand grabbed mine and led me out the door, while I was still rubbing my eyes.

Me and Shay had been dating for 6 months now, since January. It was now July and our relationship was still going strong. We barely argued since neither of us were very argumentative, and we had a lot in common and got on really well. I could still remember that night in January on Shay's bed, we were watching a movie (can't remember what the fuck it was) when I surprised myself by kissing her. It turns out we both liked each other, which was good as rejection is a bitch.

Why wouldn't I anyways. She's bloody perfect with her long dark hair, soft brown eyes and tanned skin. I look like a fucking vampire so no idea why she likes me. I've just decided to go with it though.

'Yo yo yo! Bella!' Millie, my best friend, ran to me and hugged me. 'Hey Millie! Oh my god you're finally out!' I exclaimed, smiling.

Millie Robin was definitely a rebellious teen. She'd been in isolation for the past week with her boyfriend Danny Bradley. Yup, unlike me, Millie was straight as a dick. They'd been caught drinking vodka on the sports field at lunch, so our strict sixth form put both of them in isolation for a whole week. We'd missed them. 

Danny came up behind her. 'Hey guys, sorry for being pricks,' he awkwardly apologised. 'It was a stupid thing to do, we know.' 

'It's not like it was cocaine,' shrugged Shay. 'We're glad to have you back!' she smiled.

'Who else are we getting lunch with?' I asked. 

'Lillie, Jake, Malakai and I think Paige. She has somet to tell us apparently.' answered Danny.

'Ooh exciting!' chirped Millie, clinging onto Danny's arm and looking up at him, grinning. Millie was tiny and Danny was honestly twice her size, he was huge. They'd been together since Year 10.

Millie definitely got pretty angry when we started calling them David and Goliath. Danny just thought it was funny. 

Jake Farney and Malakai Austin were two guys in our year who had recently both come out about their relationship. They were both bi and had had girlfriends before which confused a lot of people in our school. Malakai's parents were all good with him having a boyfriend, but Jake wasn't so lucky, and his parents didn't like it. Thankfully they didn't know he was going out with Malakai, just that he was bi. 

We met those two along with Paige McRowe and Lillie Hunter in the lunch hall. 'Hey Millie and Danny! Glad to see you guys are back!' exclaimed Paige. Paige was the newest of our group having moved to Manchester last October. She was, not gonna lie, a massive beg. All she seemed to do was try to get popular, and it was kind of annoying but we dealt with it. No one asked her to join our group but we were all too nice to tell her to fuck off. Lillie nodded at us, hiding behind her curtain of long blonde hair, a small smile on her pale face.

Lillie was the quiet one. Her twin sister Lena died of cancer two years ago, and since that she rarely said much. She was a lot better than two years ago now when she spent a lot of time crying and not eating but with our help she became healthier and happier, but still struggled. Before Lena's death she was always smart, talkative and full of ideas, but now she just kept herself to herself. It made all of us sad to see her like this but we were there for her. Her strength through her twin's death was amazing.

'So as it's the summer holidays soon, I've got an idea! How about you all stay in my cabin!' announced Paige, her brown eyes gleaming. 

'You have a cabin?' Jake raised one eyebrow.

'How the fuck do you do that?' Jake's boyfriend Malakai stared at Jake's eyebrow in confusion.

Ignoring Malakai, Paige replied, 'My grandfather that I literally met once left it to me in his will. Not sure why, when I met him I was 12 and ill and I kind of puked on him!' she meant this as a joke probably, but no one laughed. Why do we deal with this on a day to day basis.

Sensing that her 'joke' wasn't actually funny, Paige continued. 'It's a two floor, eight bedroom cabin in a forest in Kent. It's got a lake as well with a waterfall so we can do stuff there. We can get the train there for a week, maybe next week, when the holidays start at the end of July? What do you guys think?'

My parents would probably force me to go on holiday with them and so would Shay's, meaning we wouldn't see each other for ages and besides, my parents are fucking annoying. 

'Hell yeah, I'm up for that,' I smiled.

'Sure, sounds good,' Shay replied a second after me, knowing why I'd agreed. I bloody love her, she understands me.

Jake, Malakai and Millie easily agreed along with us, leaving Danny and Lillie. 

'Well I was gonna go camping with my friends from my old school but Mils, babe, if you're going then sure. I can arrange a different date with my friends,' said Danny, putting his arm around Millie.

'Lillie?' asked Paige.

'Yeah, ok,' Lillie agreed quietly. 

'So that's everyone! Amazing!' beamed Paige. 

Little did we know what we'd gotten ourselves into.


yo yo yo author here, hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my new story! this will get more scary and gay i promise. votes, comments and any feedback are appreciated a lot, thank youuuuu xx

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