Chapter 3

20 3 0

Shay Fields

I yawned loudly as the train pulled into our station, Canterbury East, stirring Bella from her deep sleep on my lap. She opened her dark green ivy coloured eyes and looked into mine, smiling. 

'Had a good nap on me babe?' I asked her.

'Sorryyyy,' Bella snuggled up against me and closed her eyes again. Millie and Danny, who were sitting opposite me and Bella, laughed.

'Bel, you can't sleep now babe this is our stop!' I told her.

'Uggggghhhhhhhhhhh,' groaned Bella, stretching.

'Same, Bella, same.' said Jake wearily who had also just woken up. It had been a 5 hour train journey though and it was now about 10pm, you couldn't blame them. I personally could never fall asleep on transport so I just read some Wattpad stories on my phone and watched YouTube. I was thankful my girlfriend didn't snore. 

'Come on guys! This is it! Our holiday begins!' chirped Paige overexcitedly. Jesus Christ, why do we tolerate this bitch? I suppose we get a free holiday though, away from our parents and with (mostly) our friends. If she sends any more chain mail to the group chat however, bitch will be sorry. I'm fucking done with THAT.

As we all got out of the train station, a cool breeze ran down the back of my spine, making me shiver, even though I was wearing a hoodie. An eerie mist enveloped the surrounding town, making me feel uneasy.

'It's this way!' Paige beckoned us to follow her into the mist. How does that girl have so much energy? I need to know.

'Holy fuck it's cold,' Bella shivered next to me. She was only wearing a t shirt and black denim dress, she must be way colder than me. 

'Here.' I stopped to take off my hoodie and gave it to her. 

'You sure? she asked me.

'You look bloody freezing babe, wear it.' I pressed it into her arms. Bella accepted it, smiling at me. 

'Thanks babe,' she smiled and put her arm around me. She smelt like vanilla and roses. I put my arm around her and grinned, I love Bel.


Paige had led us through the town into a foresty area where the cabin was. Mist swirled around the tall trees above us and in front of us, making me uneasy. As we got deeper into the forest I could barely see two metres in front of me. 

'This shit is haunted I swear,' whispered Bella next to me. 

'Innit, this mist is creeping me out,' I whispered back.

'Why are we whispering?' whispered Bella.

'Fuck knows,' I said in a normal voice, laughing.

'Nearly there guys!' Paige definitely wasn't intimidated by the mist then. How the hell was she not scared? Are annoying people fearless or something?

Me and Bella walked on together at the back of the group because no one else wanted to go at the back and I was too tired to argue. It definitely made me feel more exposed. At least I had Bella next to me.

Then suddenly a shadow ran out right in front of me and Bella, crossing the path right in front of us. I yelped in fear. 

'What?' everyone turned around.

'I swear something ran in front of me!' My voice quivered.

'I saw it too,' said Bella quietly. I looked at her and her face wore the same freaked expression that mine must.

'You're taking the piss,' scoffed Danny. 

'Wait you're saying someone ran in front of you?!' exclaimed Millie, who was more superstitious. 

'We saw a shadow run in front of us.. it was very fast but it kind of looked like a girl, perhaps our age,' I replied nervously.

'Bullshit,' laughed Danny.

'Well at least it looked our age.. probably just other teenagers messing around,' shrugged Jake.

'Can we carry on now? I want wifi.' said Malakai grumpily.

We carried on walking, not willing to piss off Malakai. His temper was definitely the worst and we were all too tired to deal with it. Apart from Paige, who was fucking skipping through the mist now. Are you having a laugh mate?

I was still freaked out about the shadow and I could sense Bella was too. I think Millie believed us but Danny clearly thought we were lying. It made me worried thinking that we weren't alone. 

Then suddenly Jake's piercing scream made us all stop in our tracks.

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