Chapter 4

15 3 0

Isabella Mitchell

'EWWWWW!' shrieked Jake. Me and Shay ran forward to see what was the matter. 

A dead pigeon lay on the grass in front of Jake, guts ripped out next to the rest of its decomposing body, a clear massacre by a nearby fox or cat. Wasps buzzed around it, feeding on the entrails. 

It smelt horrendous.

'Ugh,' I covered my mouth and nose with Shay's jumper, gagging at the acrid scent of the rotting corpse. Millie ran into a nearby bush, Danny quickly following. I heard her throwing up violently, and Danny trying to comfort her, the sound making me want to regurgitate the doritos I had on the train.

Malakai held Jake as he fell down to the floor, breathing far too fast having an anxiety attack. Jake had a serious phobia of birds. They scared the shit out of him, and even he didn't know why. I felt bad for him, having to see that pigeon dissected by wasps. Grim.

We all ran over and surrounded Jake, trying to seem more comforting than intimidating but it didn't work and he started crying. 'Guys, do you mind leaving us for a bit and unpacking?' Malakai asked apologetically. 

'Yeah sure, sorry,' replied Paige, looking sheepish. I guess the dead pigeon took away some of that ridiculous energy. Oh well, I'm not gonna argue with that. A Paige that talks less is a good Paige.

We walked up to the porch of the cabin, leaving Malakai trying to calm down Jake. Paige pulled a rusty silver key out of the pocket of her ugly TopShop jeans, and opened the door to her granddad's cabin. The door slowly creaked open, letting the pale moonlight into the cabin, revealing a large hall and polished wooden stairs. It smelt like burnt wood. For a place in the middle of absolutely nowhere, it wasn't too shabby.

'This is nicer than I expected,' Danny commented, admiring the place. 

'Come on, I want first pick of the rooms,' Shay grabbed my hand and ran up the stairs, making me almost trip over after her.

'Calm down you crazy bitch! I thought you were tired!' I said, smirking.

'Cheeky,' replied Shay, shaking her head and smiling, her silky dark hair bobbing.

We looked at all of the rooms on the first floor, two of them had bunk beds and we both gave each other a look that said, nah, we're gay. We cracked up every time we entered a room, it was almost like the house was trying to friendzone us.

The third room we stumbled across was beautiful, there was a large double bed with purple silk sheets and from the window there was an amazing view of the lake. Though at the moment it looked pretty eerie in the misty atmosphere. You got the sense that you wouldn't see Jesus walking on that water, you'd probably see Satan instead.

I collapsed on the bed, closing my eyes and sighing at how comfy the bed was. This was definitely a nice cabin. Paige was more annoying than a wedgie, but her family must be pretty rich so that almost made up for it I suppose.

'Should we go and check if Jake's ok?' suggested Shay.

I opened my eyes. Fuck, I can't sleep if my friend's just had a panic attack. Damn it Bella, that was selfish.  Get off your arse and see if Jake's recovered.

'Yeah let's go,' I replied to Shay, lifting myself from the bed. I left my bags in the room and so did Shay. 

We went down the stairs and Jake and Malakai were in the hall, thank fuck. Jake still looked like he'd been crying but I was glad to see the panic attack was over. 

'He's ok,' whispered Shay. 'Thank shit.'

'Poor Jake.' I whispered back to her. 

'I think we're all tired, apart from Paige who's definitely on steroids, so can we all sleep now? No point staying awake on the first night if we're all dead. You all with me?' Malakai asked everyone.

'Yeah, good plan.' Millie agreed.

'Sure,' Danny said, then yawning loudly.


We all headed off upstairs, with Millie and Danny loudly complaining about being left with one of the bunk bed rooms. At least it made it harder for them to be really straight together, because even though they loved it, no one else did because they were really fucking loud. I only know because Danny sneaked in through Millie's window at her sleepover for her 16th. That wasn't fun for any of us.

Shay was pretty much thinking what I was thinking. 'Guess we'll get much less noise from them then!' she laughed.

'Innit babe,' I replied, giggling.

'I'm gonna go brush my teeth,' I told her. The inside of my mouth tasted disgustang after all the crap I'd eaten on the train. I entered our cute little en-suite bathroom and unpacked my toothbrush and toothpaste.

I brushed my teeth in front of the gold edged mirror in our bathroom in front of the sink. But suddenly, the lights started flickering, making me scared. This only lasted for about 5 seconds and then stopped, so I assumed it was just a faulty fuse or something, nothing out of the ordinary. 

But then the lights turned completely off. The only light coming into the bathroom was from me and Shay's bedroom. 'Shay..' I said nervously. I looked in the mirror.. and then screamed.

Reflected in the mirror I could see a pale looking girl standing behind me, blood trickling down from the corners of her mouth, an expression of pure hate on her thin, white face. I saw my eyes go wide and my face turn ghostly white. My heart was beating so fast I thought it was going to explode. I saw the girl behind me reach for me. Her bloody hand grasped my shoulder in the mirror, but I felt nothing. Just.. cold. As though my blood had turned to ice. I couldn't move.

'Bella, are you ok?!' exclaimed Shay, running into the bathroom. 

I turned around to face her, unable to speak, my eyes wide in terror.

'Has something, you know.. weird happened?' asked Shay.

I nodded slowly.

'Like when we saw that shadow in the woods?'

I nodded again.

'It was a girl.'

'Shit, so you just saw her now?!' Shay was shocked and scared.

'Y-Yeah she was in the bathroom with me,' I told her, my voice shaking with fear.

'Oh crap that's creepy,' Shay pulled me into a hug. 'It's ok Bells. We're ok.'

But were we?

Who was this creepy girl, and what did she want with us?

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