V/ Chapter five... Until Now

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Chapter five... Until Now


Months Later


11:56 P.M.

I look at myself on more time in the Mirror. Callie and I were going on our first undercover since she got shot. I then see Callie's reflection in the mirror next to mine. She smiles, and lays her head on my shoulder. Just seconds but what felt like minutes or even years of smiling and staring at the different and opposite gender in the mirror, Callie kisses my shoulder, that was covered from the suit I was wearing. ''You ready Detective Styles?'' I take one quick glance in the mirror...

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''Yep.'' ''Good, cause its time to go.'' Minutes later we finally arrive at the hall. It was called ''The Sea.'' And knowing Callie she loved the idea of a blue dress, with place that involved water. But the dress did look beautiful on her.

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I see Callie reach for the handle of her gun. ''Alright, you ready, Styles?'' I pull out my gun having it next to my face.

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''Yeah.'' ''Harry.'' I knew this was serious. When she used my first name when we were working I knew it was serious. ''Yeah, Callie?'' I say calm trying to make it sound sweet at the same time. ''I love you.'' I pull her in for a kiss ''I love you too know go.'' I say as I ran in the opposite direction...


At: At the roof of ''The Sea.''

When: 12:00 M.M.

I burst through the door that lead to the roof of ''The Sea.'' I waited for A.F. to arrive. I look at the city of New York, until I hear the familiar voice that belonged to the female I used to trust. I turn around. Just to see who I expected but still didn't want to believe. ''Amanda. What are you doing here? This place isn't safe, go back home.'' ''They kidnapped me Callie. I kept objecting, but they hit me. I wanted to tell you but I couldn't they said that if I did they would kill me.'' Then she goes from sad, reckless, and confused to that bitchy voice she did when she wanted to be a smart-ass. And I used to think I would never be one of those people... Until Now. She pulls out her own gun and starts waving it around. ''Oh wait, they didn't kidnapped me, they didn't hit me, and they most certainly did not threaten me cause if my crew did, they would most certainly not be alive, you know why?'' ''Why Amanda.'' I had to sound like I wasn't gonna break down in tears, I had to sound serious and mad, and I did. I was always good with that. ''Cause, Callie you bitch I'm fucking A.F. you oblivious bitch.'' She said as she put her gun away and took out her knife, then she cut my left cheek from my cheek bone to the corner of my upper lip. Then she back away, into the position she was in before. ''You know what I should've guessed it,, the way how you knew about the reports on missing people and dead before it got posted on the news, how you had to move out cause your friend needed help, your fucking last name, I mean look how fucking stupid I look. Or maybe I just knew all this time and wanted to trust you, to see if you turn out just like him... just like your great-grandfather... Rodger fucking Forest.'' The cut stung, I felt the blood slowly fall down, like rain on window. ''You know nothing.'' ''Are you sure about that...Amanda Forest. I mean I' am a detective, I can easily tell when you're lying, or in fact that goes for everyone. So, say that again Amanda, just so I can hear you fucking lie again.'' ''Fuck off!!'' she screamed. I was a studier. I studied everything, and I knew that every time Amanda knew she was wrong she would scream. ''Just face it Amanda its over.-'' I say as I pointed my gun up facing her, she was at least a few feet away. –''But I just have one question. What did you do to poor 33 year old Amelia Heart and her new born Carl Reegan?'' ''How about this bitch use the word dead. Any last words?'' ''Yeah, how about; N.Y.P.D Detective Cordaro, I' am not afraid to shoot.'' ''What?'' ''Bye Amanda.'' Then I shot.

I was then aloud to cry, Amanda Forest. My best friend, was now lying on the ground with a red hole in her head. She was dead...

*A/N:one last part*

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