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The wind blows wildly outside. The rain and grey skies perfectly match his mood. Raphaël Sauvage sits in his home office, listening to the rumble of the thunder. The power of the sky is evident in the deep, rolls of thunder and the flashing lightning.
He finds it exceptionally beautiful.
He swivels his brandy in its glass, his jaw clenching.

Her eyes flash in his memory.

The blue-green sparkling as she throws her head back in laughter.

His dear sister.

Fresh anger burns in his veins as he remembers her death, with deep sadness following hot on its heels.

His dearest sister. Dead.

There is a knock at the door.

Raphaël looks up as Rosa, his housekeeper enters.

"Raphaël. ", she says. 

"Hm.", he answers.

Reaching over, Rosa takes the glass of brandy out of his hand.
He let's her. Rosa has been around for as long as Raphaël can remember.
She was there even before his parents died. He's only grateful that at fifty years old, she's still well and healthy  so he won't lose her too.

He looks up at her, his eyes a steel wall.
"Raphaël, you must not think of it. ", she says, her Italian accent slight. "It will only hurt you."

"Hm. ", he says again.

Rosa sighs. "I will be gone this week, you know this. My sister's daughter will be here, however, to take over my duties."

Raphaël frowns.  "I don't want a stranger here, Rosa.", his husky voice resonates through the office.

"Oh, I assure you she will not get in your way. Besides, she's been here before. Many times. But you were younger, you may not recall. "

He nods, silent.

Rosa sighs again, reaches over and pats his hand then turns to leave.

"Rosa?", he calls out.
She stops and turns back around.
"Yes, Raphaël? "

He hesitates, unsure of himself.

" How is he? ", he asks finally in a quiet voice.

Rosa nods. "He is peaceful. I have put him to bed now."

He nods curtly.

"You must speak to the little one, Raphaël. He must know you. He needs much help. ", Rosa says, sadness lacing her words.

Raphaël sighs heavily, dragging a hand through his brown hair.
"J'en sais pas, Rosa. How... what do I say to him? I..."

"One step at a time. You, like your father, are very wise. You will find a way, Raphaël. "

He sighs and nods, clenching his jaw at the mention of his father.

Rosa looks at him with a bleeding heart.
The sky is lit up for a second and the light sharpens his facial features. Giving his cheekbones an even sharper appearance. From birth, he resembled his father. The dark looks, thick brown hair. That intimidating height, and those wide, large shoulders, stubborn chin and hard, grey eyes have had many trembling in his presence.
A formidable presence indeed.
How proud she was of him.

"Isabella will be here tomorrow morning. ", Rosa says softly and leaves, closing the door quietly.

Raphaël leans back in his chair. Consumed by his own darkness, his own pain, how in heaven's name will he help this child... his only living relative? He closes his eyes and sighs, willing his demons not to visit him tonight.

J'en sais pas- French : I don't know.


Why, hello my royalties! I can't believe I'm actually writing a second book!! *dances in circles*
It's gonna be good, hopefully, cause I speak French so it's easy to create French dialogues for my beloved characters.
I Love his surname! For All who don't know, Sauvage is French for Wild or Savage. 😍😍👑💕 Now this ain't gon be one big sob story, no no sweetie. There's healing and love, yes, there's also heat. Wet, dripping heat. 🔥 THAT'S HOW I DO!
Happy reading to all. Mwah!

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