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"Damn you!"
Isabelle kicks at the rock that nearly tripped her with a scowl on her face.
"Damn rock. ", she mutters.

On a sigh she looks back at the long driveway on which she was walking.
" Should... have brought... Dasie. ", she pants as she trudges along, tugging two suitcases behind her. She would be here for a week, have to be prepared for anything.
Thoughts of her beloved car, with wheels that spare one the torture of walking fill her mind.

"Mnnnhh! ", she groans.

Then, as if by magic, the house appears.
Isabelle smiles up at it. "Hello again."

Gosh, this magnificent house. The tall French windows, the black, wide front stair railings give the house this dramatic feel. It has been changed since the time she was a child, but it's still got this majestic air about it.
A house fit for an emperor.

Okay... Maybe a few centuries off there... but still.

Goodness, this is going to be a task. Housekeeping this gorgeous but gigantic house, coupled with the greatly feared Raphaël Sauvage.

I'm shivering in my boots.
Isabelle rolls her eyes.
"Please. I'll have him bowing down with a snap of my fingers."
Girl power.

With that thought she picks up the pace, her sandals making slight crunching noises on the gravel.
The birds are tweeting and the sun is shining, Spring is in full bloom.

God, I can't wait for Winter.

Isabelle reaches the front stairs and touches a hand to her head to ensure that all her thick, brown hair is still in the pony. Her heart-shaped face is well structured. Soft, but visible cheekbones, full lips and expressive blue eyes which sparkle when she laughs and flash when she's angry, which is often because of her short temper.

She looks down at her outfit, hoping that the cute above the knee floral dress and the denim jacket aren't too casual for this. But who gives a hoot anyway. She likes her appearance and Damn him if he feels otherwise.
With that settled, Isabelle lifts her hand to knock on the door then she spots the doorbell.

"Oh yeah. ", with a wry grin, she presses it.

That's what happens when you spend too much time in the country side and forget that not everyone lives in a cottage.

She rocks back and forth on her heels and wonders where the bloody Butler is.
" Do they still have a Butler? ", she asks aloud.

On impulse, she puts her hand on the door knob and turns. The door glides open.

"Okay. Wow. Is this trespassing? This isn't trespassing, they're expecting me. They are expecting me, right?", Isabelle mutters to herself as she enters the house cautiously.

"Mon Dieu! Ce magnifique!", she exclaims, flexing her limited French skills.

She looks up at the beautiful chandelier high on the ceiling. The floor, oh, such beautiful wood.
Isabelle walks further into the house.

When she was a little girl and would come by with TantRosa, she was limited to the kitchen and the fabulous garden on the other side of the house.
Never really came in here and she only ever caught glimpses of the precious Sauvage children.

The interior is truly beautiful.
The smooth white walls make her afraid to even sneeze in this parlor.

She comes to a large beautifully furnished lounge area. Damn, to watch a horror movie on that big screen, bucket list. The large black sofas look ideal for a movie night too, although she can't imagine this beautiful wood floor littered with popcorn.

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