I was tagged by hannahg0493
So yeahRules:
Done in less than 3 days
Nominate 28 people
Title the nominations
10 things about myself
Tell a joke
Include a spoiler for a story
Put these rules
Mention who nominated them
Here we go:
1: I am a super gay female
2: I watch to much anime like waayyyy to much
3: I love horror and sitcoms
4: I have 1 tortoise and 2 dogs.
5: I'm 14
6: I hate birds
8: I love video games
9: I have a huge crush on Hanji Zoë from Attack on Titan (Shingeki No Kyojin)
What's a monsters favorite way to have an egg?
I have no books
Beatlemania3365 a user a user
That all I got besides who tag me