Percy Jackson and Tide Pods

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CollegeHumor tide pod commercial

"Excuse me?" Questioned the son of Poseidon. "This is our new threat to the demigods! Tide-pods!"

Percy's nose scrunches up in distaste as he picked up one of the threats and sniffed it.

"I agree," Hazel said. "I fail to see how it looks like candy. And how do they even open the thing? It has to be impossible trying to open it with your teeth if you're a kid!"

The cabin leaders plus a few others were together trying to discuss the recent increase is poison control at the healing halls. Apparently, mortal stupidity is contagious. Yet, Percy had so much hope in humanity. After all, they made pizza.

Will decide to take over,"Doesn't matter why, Hazel, only how to stop it."

"You really think a commercial is going to help?"

One that has Percy stands up and saying 'Hey kids! You're only making the monsters life simpler when you kill yourself!'

"We're going to promote other brands from Tide. A demigod version. Leo volunteer to work on it."

With that said a half-asleep Leo jerked up. "Hmm... Yaay! I got a bunch of cool ideas and products. Just need your face of approving."

Stepping up Leo made his way to the seated Percy. "While I would do it with me as the star. It's been apparently proving that cute faces resembling a baby seal grab the audience. Something you obtain."

"What." deadpan Percy.

Jason shrugged. "He has a point. All in favor of Percy being the new demigod spokesmen for Tide."

Everyone raised their hand. "Traitors" muttered Percy.

As the meeting dispersed Percy headed towards Leo. " I don't even know what to say" exclaimed Percy.

Leo played with his toolbelt. "No worries man, just read the screen in front of you. Leave the words to me"

It didn't stop the dread building up in Percy. This was just not going to end well. On the upside was Annabeth thought it was cool to be in a commercial.

-----------------------you sir, are a ray of sunshine-----------------------------

"Hi my fellow demigods, my name is Percy Jackson."

Percy was seated on a chair behind a simple white screen. He crossed one of his legs over. Completely relax, he gave his best smile to the camera ahead.

(Take 1)

"I'm the new spokesperson for the company that makes Tide, thus it's corollary product Tide Pods. Which is what I wanna talk to you about today."

Percy looked carefully to read the words of the screen.

Making a face Percy shook his head, laughing lightly. "Ya gotta stop eating the Tide Pods, Okay?"

Yep, Leo definitely wrote the script. "Look, I get it, you guys are young, you're hip. You don't want an older demigod telling you what to do."

"But Tide Pods are soap", he looked directly at the camera pointing. "And that's not food."

The music still played pleasantly in the background.

"So please, stop eating the Tide Pods."

OK so far so good. All he had to do now is to just promote the new products Leo added.

"And make sure to keep an eye out for Cascade Dish Pops, the lollipop that cleans your dishes...."

Wait...... lollipops?

Percy Jackson and Tide podsWhere stories live. Discover now