Who's Who, What's What... Wait How?

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***Antanasia POV***

Rai and Frankie had two bumps on their head. I was left with no choice but to hit them so they wouldn't go bazerk on the poor girl. 

***Time Skip***

ShortieWhite:"So you're the noblesse's wife? The noblessa?"

I nodded drinking my tea, as Rai stared into his bowl...

I nodded drinking my tea, as Rai stared into his bowl

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He finally started to eat his ramen. I was starting to think I hit him too hard and he forgot how to eat...

YellowHair:"So do you have powers like the noblesse?"

ANN:"Yes, but I am not as strong as Rai. You see He was born a noblesse. I sort of got the powers after we.."

I trailed off as i felt the heat rise to my face thinking back to our first time. I couldn't continue.

Rai stood up, drawing the attention away from me and started to walk off

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Rai stood up, drawing the attention away from me and started to walk off. 

FRANKIE:"Master, where are you going?"

He stopped to answer.


He continued to walk off and I let out a small smile, fully aware of what he had done. That simple distraction was enough for me to change the subject. 

ANN:"Why don't you tell me who you are?"

After introductions I came to understand that the girl's name is Seira, her brother is Regis, and the older blond brother is Rajak and the younger one is Rael. 

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ANN:"Alright, Frankie your turn to speak:

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ANN:"Alright, Frankie your turn to speak:

FRANKIE:"You already know who i am?"

ANN:"No. I want to know how you found Rai"

FRANKIE:"Oh. He found me"

I stared at him, waiting for him to continue. 

FRANKIE:"Well. Let me start from the beginning then, some clan leader betrayed master, and well they fought. It ended with him having to be put into an eternal sleep. He somehow found his way to Korea still resting and when he woke up, he somehow found his way to the school I founded. His powers haven't fully recovered and it doesn't help when he somehow finds a way to over exert himself by using them."

ANN:"So he's slowly using up his life force...?" 

He nodded making me frown. 

ANN:"Frankie, There's no school tomorrow right?"

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ANN:"Frankie, There's no school tomorrow right?"

FRANKIE:"It's Sunday... so no."

I slowly rose from my seat.

ANN:"Well, thank you for having me for dinner. I'm just going to say bye to Rai and I'll be on my way. It was really nice getting to meet you all"

I walked off in the same direction as Rai.

FRANKIE:"Uhh.. I dont think so. I brought you here with intentions of having you stay here. Understand?"

Still walking away, a small smile crept onto my face hearing his motherly tone ringing in my ears once again.

ANN:"Thanks but no thanks Mister"

I disappeared into the hallway...



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Thanks again and have a great day :)

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