More or Less, A Momentous Morning for Master

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***Raizel's POV***

My eyes gently opened welcoming the sunlight into my vision. I didn't even feel this rested after sleeping for 800 years. Unconsciously I rolled to my side and extended my arm out in hopes to embrace my world. A frown found its way onto my face as I only felt emptiness. My body sat up as my eyes searched and searched, my heart aching. She was no where to be found. Arising from my once peaceful bed, I headed towards the living room, only to see Seira making breakfast. 


I knew she would understand what I wanted.

SEIRA:"In his lab, my lord"

I watched her turn away from me and return to her business as I stood, unmoved. As much as it was interesting to watch her cook, I had to keep my priorities straight. Besides, as much as I would never admit it out loud, now isn't the time to test my sense of direction. 


She turned to me, slightly surprised I was still here. With a slight bow, she turned off the stove and took off her apron before leading me to Frankenstein's lab. 

My eyes took notice of her as she walked up to a bookshelf in Frankenstein's office, her fingers brushing against the binding of the books, until she reached the one. 

"Boy Lived"

I shook my head ever so slightly at his never-changing twisted humour.  The moment she pulled the British book off the shelf, the bookcase shifted aside to reveal a white steel door. A beam appeared, scanning my body. It posed no threat, so i let it examine every inch of my body before it found fit to let me enter an elevator. I stepped in, thinking she would follow but instead the doors shut as I turned around. Fortunately with the how fast the elevator was going, it didn't take long for the door to once again split open in half to unveil three of my knights and Frankenstein, whom turned and bowed to me.

FRANKIE:"Good Morning Master"


FRANKIE:"She left last night. I insisted for her to stay, but you know how stubborn she can get. She left with the promise of another time, and with the intentions of picking you up today."

Pick me up? What does that mean? Why wouldn't she stay? Frankenstein must have seen the conflict in my eyes and explained even further.

FRANKIE:"She wants to take you out, probably to make up for lost time together. It's what nowadays couples would call dates"

I turned on me heel to go and get ready for this "date". I want her to know, after all these years, I still love her. 

Tao:"Ann? as in Antanasia? Hey boss if you say she's not your girlfriend, do you think i could have a shot with her?"

M-21 (Gray Head) knew the day would come when Tao's obsession for technology would be the end of him. Takeo (Purple Ponytail) stepped away from him, far away just in case. Frankenstein lowered his head in shame for not teaching them better.

Tao completely not in sync with the conversation or what was going on, waited for a response, only to be greeted by my face in front of his

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Tao completely not in sync with the conversation or what was going on, waited for a response, only to be greeted by my face in front of his. 

RAI:"Don't even think about it"

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RAI:"Don't even think about it"

I turned on my heel once again to leave, heading straight to the door. No one is getting in between my Noblessa and I. Now what should I wear for this special occasion... and how do I work this elevator?

There was a bit of awkwardness before Frankenstein touched something on his computer, thus closing the door, but not before I sent one last glare to Tao. That'll teach him to stay away.

To Be Continued...

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