Chapter 3

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Taeyong was still staring at those eyes, Uh.... Can you please show me around school?  I still don't know some class... So.. I... Can you?  Sicheng asked with the honey coated voice which bought Taeyong into reality.... And how much he has been dying to hear for these past years.

Uh... Sure, I will. Taeyong lightly chuckled. Thank you Taeyong. Sicheng lightly blushed. Your welcome,  Taeyong replied happily.

Meanwhile Sicheng was feeling butterflies in his stomach. He don't know why it felt like he had a deep connection with this man, he was staring at him like some magnetic force was forcing him. It was the most beautiful sight Sicheng has ever scene. Huge dark brown eyes, framed by full brows that stared back at him, sculptured nose, strong prominent jawline, firm pink slips slightly shaped like a heart. Sicheng was stunned at the perfection. Their eyes locked for a moment, but he forced to break and continue listening to the class.

The bell rang indicating for the next class. They both decided to walk together, Sicheng learned that he and Taeyong almost have same classes. He felt so happy to be with Taeyong.

Time skip....

Sicheng was packing his bag and suddenly he felt a hand in his shoulder, he was startled and literally screamed. After knowing it was Taeyong.... Ah.. Taeyong, you startled me... He panicked.  Win..I.... Sicheng ah Iam so sorry, I didn't mean to panic you, I am sorr... It's okay Taeyong, I'm fine, what you want to say? He asked cutting off Taeyong.

Taeyong cleared his throat and said hurriedly, there's a ice cream parlour near by and I was wondering if you want to go with me.... I just thought maybe..., he cleared his throat once again, his cheeks deep red.

I like ice cream, Sicheng didn't even let Taeyong finish. His cheeks were crimson red. Great!  Let's go then!  Taeyong beamed like a child who just received his favorite toy or candy.

They walked outside the school gate, Taeyong was so grateful that he got a chance with his Winwin again, he will never let go of this chance. Taeyong stole a glance at his companion. The sunlight caressed his brown hair making it glitter and his smooth skin glowed. A smile danced on his moist pink lips. Taeyong was literally screaming and was so excited to get his Winwin back.

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