Chapter 6

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When Sicheng opened the front door his heart fluttered at the sight of Taeyong by the threshold, carrying several books under his arm. Sicheng suddenly flung himself onto and threw his arms around the startled Taeyong who dropped the books down. I missed you Taeyong,  he said hugging the latter. I missed you too Sicheng, that's why I came here. He said hugging him back. After few seconds in each others embrace they decided to let go.

Taeyong's cheeks were red as well as Sicheng's. I promised to teach you Hangul,  remember? So I'll give you some lessons. Taeyong said while pinching Sicheng's cheeks which were crimson red. You will?  Sicheng asked.

Taeyong nodded in agreement and released his hands from Sicheng to pick up the books. Yes, let's go inside, I'll teach you what I can.

They sat in the living room on the rug with their backs against the coach while Taeyong balanced the open book on his knees. Taeyong slowly instructed Sicheng, while Sicheng, the dutiful student, stole glances at his tutor's handsome face. He then frowned, Taeyong, he called. Taeyong looked up at him and hummed in response.

Are you eating well?  Are taking care of yourself?  He asked with a concern look washed over his face. Taeyong can't help but smile. You care for me ah?  Taeyong asked still smiling. You didn't answer my question? Taeyong chuckled a bit yes, I am eating well and I am sure I am taking care of myself. He knows that it's a lie, but he wanted to see Sicheng that's why he came.

Okay, then why are you getting pale?  Sicheng asked. Ah... I don't know may be some kind of weakness it'll be, he smiled sheepishly. Taeyong, please eat well okay?  I can't see you like this. Sicheng said slowly.

Thank you for caring for me Sicheng. I will sure take care of myself. Taeyong smilled feeling embarrassed. You are my friend, right?  I have all right to care for you... Taeyong chuckled at him.

After sometime of learning, Taeyong felt a lot weaker and dizzy. Taeyong, can you stay with me, my mom is out and will not be here by tomorrow, so can you?... If... You don't want... I.. I don't mind. Sicheng asked biting his lower lip and looking at his fingers. Taeyong smiled, sure I'll stay.

Thank you Taeyong. Sicheng said in a excited tone and led Taeyong towards the bedroom and gave Taeyong a little shove towards the bed. Go on,  get some rest and a good sleep, I'll just lock up and shut off the lights. Taeyong... Taeyong... Do you.... mind... Can I... Sleep with you! I... Just want... to... cuddle... when I sleep.. just that.... nothing more. Sicheng asked with his cheeks flushed red.

Taeyong nodded, he was so excited and happy. He is going to hold his Winwin. He felt like crying. Sicheng watched Taeyong as he slid under the covers and he left the bedroom to do the routine chores before turning in for the night. He returned to the bedroom shutting the door behind him and  turned off the lamp on the night stand and laid down beside Taeyong.

Sicheng immediately felt Taeyong's arms around his waist and he moved closer by resting his head in the latter's chest. Both of them feel a shiver run down their spine when Sicheng moved even more closer to Taeyong. Taeyong felt like crying after waiting for all these years, he was slowly losing hope that he could not hold his Winwin like this again. But here he is holding his Winwin, he never wants to let go. He can't wait for another 117 years, again. Sicheng moved closer by burying his face in the latter's neck. Sicheng finds it oddly comforting, considering he has never cuddled with any boy before.

You're so cold. Sicheng whispers. Sicheng's warm breath tickles the Taeyong's neck. He closes his eyes, savouring the moment. Yeah, Taeyong breaths. Sicheng pulls the blanket over them and hold him a bit tighter. Good night Taeyong,  Sicheng whisperes and scoots closer to Taeyong. He doesn't know why the feeling of Taeyong's  body against him feels so familiar. Good night Sicheng!  Taeyong releases a soft breath because, yeah, if he was dreaming right now, he doesn't want to wake up from this, ever as they go into the deep slumber in each other embrace.

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