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Sara opened her eyes to the familiar comforting smell of freshly brewed coffee. The sluggish fog that still clouded her mind slowly lifted, as the hazy fragments of memories puzzled together.

Sal...the club...the men...that voice...

Fear drumming in her, she quickly examined herself, she was naked, her leotard and robe were missing and except for a massive headache, she didn't feel physically hurt. Pulling the blankets close to her chest. She carefully looked around the room.

Bold, bulky dark wooden furniture complemented the bedroom, the black bedding and lack of any color were clear indications that the room belong to a man.

Sara scooted off the bed, wrapping the Egyptian cotton sheet around her body, and made her way over to the windows. It must have been 50 floors up, or so it felt, dizziness seared through her chest as her fear of heights griped her in its hold, stumbling away from the windows, Sara took a few deep breaths silently scolding herself for her weakness.

After another few deep breaths, calming her mind, she walked over to the door of a large wardrobe looking for anything to wear. Finding freakishly neatly folded shirts, she quickly pulled them over her head, and not wanting to waste time looking for pants, Sara made her way over to the double doors, slowly turning the knob, making sure not to make any unnecessary noise as she pulled one of them open. Quietly she tiptoed out of the room into a much bigger room, the living room, the very luxurious living room.

'I could easily fit five of my apartments in here,' she thought to herself as she looked around the cold, large area, also decorated in steel grey and blue and black furnishings like the bedroom.

Sara moved what felt to be an inch at a time, and passed several closed doors. She tiptoed past the last one when the door abruptly opened steam rolling out.

Sara froze, she couldn't move, just stood there powerlessly staring at the man standing at what must be the bathroom door. His dark hair and blue eyes were only amplified by his olive skin, masculine jaw, very broad and toned chest, covered with tattoos running from his chest to his fingers on his right side, and because he wasn't wearing anything but a very towel riding low on his hips, he was sporting more than those well-defined abs and very large toned arms, he also had a particularly large bulge under the towel that told her that every part of this man was bigger than big.

Sara looked up to his face again, her face flushed in a dark pink, meeting his eyes, and even though his facial features were seemingly neutral with his lips pressed into a thin line, his eyes glared anger, shooting sparks of raw hunger, darkening his eyes to an almost lethal navy blue. That look that hunger she only knew meant one thing, she saw it enough at the club to know.

Sara panicked, grabbing a large vase near her, she threw it at him as she made a run for the front door. Listening to the glass crash, she quickly tried to unlock the front door. She heard him behind her, his footsteps slow and lazy, as if he had all the time in the world, as she got the door open. She looked over her shoulder to see where the man was, and made a run for the hall, a very short hall she now realized, as the tiny hall only had one exit, a double-door elevator. She pressed the button franticly summoning the lift. No stairs, 'Why are there no stairs?!' Sara whispered to herself panicked as the lift slowly started its ascend.

Her head still pounded, her breathing coming out in quick little huffs, and her body still slightly drugged made her movements slow and the sudden onslaught of lightheadedness was not what she needed right now. She dashed into the lift pressing the button for the doors to close but the mechanical doors were as slow as she felt. His hand grabbed one of the doors causing the automated doors to open again letting him inside still only in his towel.

His breathing was steady but his body screamed of irritation, his wet hair clinging to his face and his sea blue eyes, now almost a foamy grey blue slowly swept over her body finally coming to a stop when their eyes met.

Her heart frantically hammered in her chest. He took a step closer still not saying a word, the lift doors closed behind him, he turned to press the emergency stop button and then turned around, looking at her. She took several steps back as he slowly stepped into her space, backing her into one of the corners.

Sara was trapped between a cold iron wall and a very hot body. He placed both his hands on poles, opposite sides of her waist, as he lowered his mouth to her ear. The smell of spicy bourbon and leather wrapped around her as his warm breath on her ear caused goosebumps over her body and a rush of small shivers to the apex of her thighs.

"Where are you going little ballerina?" he purred then lowered his face into her neck, tracing her neck to her ear with his nose, his lips softly ghosting over her flesh. Her breathing labored as she brokenly whispered pleading "Let... me go, p...p... don't have to... please let me go" pleading in a shaky voice.

"No...I want you, I need... you... you are mine...I own you. The only way you leave is if I kill you now...don't make me hurt you, leave again and it will hurt,' the man said in a low deep voice, caressing down my spine. "Nod little dancer if you understand" he continued looking into her eyes. Sara hesitated a few minutes then obediently nodded as a tear rolled down her cheek. "Good girl," he said smugly, the corner of his mouth almost a smirk.

Touching her face with his fingers, tipping her chin up to him, and wiping away the lone tear with his thumb, he leaned forward so that their noses almost touched "Now my little one, you need a reward for listening.... you get to kiss me now" he breathed over her lips, Sara couldn't breathe with him so close, she needed time to think, but every nerve ending was on fire, alert, her breathing hitched as she slowly closed the little gap between their mouths, waiting for her, she pressed her lips quickly and softly to his, she could feel the tremble going down her spine, and she heard his annoyed sigh "Are you shy little one, let me show you how" he dipped his mouth to hers again pressing an open kiss to her closed lips, he moved his head to the other side and again pressed another open kiss to her lips until she mimicked his movements, an approving groan from him made her already heated body burn. She was trembling now, her body shaking as their mouths continued the dance, but then she made the mistake when pulling away an inch to move his head to the other side, his mouth was off hers for a second, Sara wet her lips, with his lips so close to hers she accidentally licked his as well, a low moan growled low in his throat.

In another second he crushed his lips to hers, stroking the seam of her mouth with his tongue, forcing its way in when she gasped in surprise at the force, and he took the opening and stroked his tongue against hers urgently claiming. She raised her hands to push him away, but He pulled her into him, trapping her hands against his chest, deepening their kiss even further their tongues licking and sucking into each other. She couldn't think, she couldn't breathe, and her body was burning with pulsing heat at her core.

He lifted her, her legs, automatically going around his waist, he pressed her against the cold metal of the elevator. His hands caressed her ass cheeks under the hem of the shirt. Sara pulled him even closer with her legs, her hands still trapped between them, as the intense throbbing of her core made her desperate for any friction, so she moved her pelvis against his groin, up and down, in a crazy lust haze. He pressed his very erect, very hard shaft against her even harder. The only barrier between them was the small towel, that was still miraculously on his hips, he thrust his hips into her making her moan, he quickly pulled her into another frantic deep kiss, his mouth capturing all the sounds they made as he picked up speed. She was on fire, her whole body lighting up with pleasure, her body tensed up and she started shaking, as bursts of pleasure burned from her clit right through her body, curling her toes.

He kept trusting her, making her pleasure last that much longer, and only when she stopped shaking and the fire dulled to a spark inside her did her, did he end their kiss, breathing heavily "Good... Girl..." he said hoarsely, his eyes closed as he pressed his forehead to hers.

He then slowly secured Sara on her feet, turned, and pressed the emergency stop again and his floor number. As the elevator doors opened, he held out his hand to her which she obediently took as he led her back into the apartment.

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