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Peter's p.o.v.
I wake up the next morning still with a headache and an upset stomach but that could be because i'm hungry.
I heard "you're alive" i say "barely" while sitting up and smiling steve smiled too and said "how are you feeling" i yaun and said "tired and sick" steve nodded and said "well you don't have to go to school if you don't want to" i said "thanks but i have to i can't leave michelle alone with those idiots" steve laughed and said "okay well then you get ready i'll drive you" i nod and then stand up and the room starts spinning and i grab onto the arm of the chair and steve said "you sure you wanna go" i nod and then walk to the bathroom as if nothing was wrong.

At school

I walk into the school and heard laughing.
Michelle said "you look like garbage" i say "thank you but i feel like it too maybe drinking so much wasn't a good idea because i still feel drunk" she smiled and said "we should of just got drunk on apple juice" i smile at her.
On our way to lunch i get super dizzy. I stop walking step and hold onto the wall. Michelle looked at me and walked over and said "peter your like getting paler should i call your dad to come pick you up" i nod no and said "i just need a minute" the lights in the school got brighter and i started sweating.
I feel like a weight was on my chest and i felt like i needed to throw up michelle said something but i couldn't make it out because it sounded muffled.

I don't remember anything after that just the pain in my head.

Steve's p.o.v
I get a call from the hospital weird. I answer and say "hello" the women said "hello is this steve rogers" i say "it is what can i do for you" she said "we have peter parker here and your the first name on the emergency contact list" i say "i'm on my way" and then hung up and told bucky i was leaving i kissed him goodbye and then walk to my car and drive to the hospital. When i get there i walk inside and go to the front desk and she told me what room and i quickly walk to it and open the door and see peter sitting up with an ice pack on the back of his head.
I sigh with relief and he said "hey" i laughed and said "hi" he pulled the ice pack away and said "so maybe school wasn't such a good idea" i said "yeah no kidding bud" he nodded and i said "what happened" he sighed and said "so i went to school feeling sick but you knew that anyway i went through the day feeling like that but on my way to lunch the hallway started spinning and the lights got really bright and i was leaning against the wall and then michelle told me something but i couldn't really hear and then i woke up here" i nod and then say "i'll be right back" and then get up and grab his head and kiss his forehead and then leave the room and as i close the door a doctor walked up and i said "are you peters doctor" he nodded and said "i was just going to talk to him i want to run some test to make sure everything is okay from what he told us" i nod and said "that's what i was going suggest" he nodded and then we walked back into the room.

We were at the hospital for the rest of the day and half of the night.
Everything seemed fine with peter though so they don't know what's wrong with him.
I'm driving home right now and peter is asleep in the backseat. He seemed tired all day but had to stay awake for everything. When we get home i carry him upstairs he was dead asleep and i layed him down on the couch and then walked to me and bucky's room and pull my shirt off and pull my pants down and plug my phone in and climb into bed bucky turned over and said "hey i missed you" i smile and kiss him and said "i missed you too" and then it went silent.
He said "is peter okay" i said "all the tests say he's fine but he passed out in the middle of school" bucky said "he was pretty messed up yesterday it could just be some after effects of all that alcohol" i nod and sigh "let's go to sleep okay" he nodded and then we kissed goodnight and cuddled.

Peter's p.o.v
I wake up in the morning with a headache i've decided against school today since yesterday happened i call m.j.
She answered and said "hey peter everything okay" i say "yeah i was just calling you to tell you that i'm not coming to school today" she laughed and said "obviously i wouldn't let you come even if you were" i smile and say "okay well i'm gonna go back to sleep now so i'll probably call you later or something" she said "goodnight" i said "night" and then hung up and i plug my phone in and then face the inside of the couch and cover myself up to my neck and sigh and close my eye's and fall asleep into a dreamless sleep.

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