Hunters of Demons

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It has been eighteen years since I've encountered Death. Life hasn't been the same since that night. People shunned me, spat curses upon me, claiming I am a witch and that it is my fault the townsfolk died. For all the horrors they bestowed on me, they did teach me one thing about myself: I really am a witch. Or so I think. I have taught myself the ways of Magic and each and every day my power grows, just as it does with Kelan, my son. He turned 17 just last week and though he is still learning, his skillful mastery of the arcane arts rivals my own.

Undoubtedly some of it comes to him naturally seeing how his father is an angel and soon he will surpass my abilities, but for now I am still able to train him. I look to the side of my wagon as I groom our horse and see my boy sitting under a tree. He's silent and has his eyes closed, but I am fully aware that he is awake, perhaps enjoying the serenity of the forest sounds. A smile grazes my lips; however, it quickly turns into a frown when the horse becomes restless. It's kicking it's hooves into the ground, shaking its head away from me as I hold its reigns in an attempt to calm the beast. Kelan jumps to his feet and rushes to my side, also feeling the shift in the peaceful atmosphere.

"Mother, what's going on?" He asks me, almost sounding like the innocent young boy he once was.

"Demons." I mutter, my muscles stiff from tension. "Kelan, get inside."

He does as I order him and with a swift move I place myself at the front of the carriage and whip the reigns several times, urging our horse to run as fast as its legs can carry it. The darkness closes in around us, but I carry on, gripping the leather in my hands so tightly my knuckles turn white. The demon corruption catches up nonetheless and before long, it swallows the road ahead. A giant monster appears in front us through a brief portal that opens and it slashes our horse in half with one swift action, making the wagon crash and break apart. Kelan is trapped under the broken wood, unconscious from the accident. The creature runs towards us with its small, insect like legs, making its enormous torso seem really out of place.

It strikes at me with the large blade molded from the flesh of its arm, but I manage to roll out of the way yelping at the sound of bones breaking and skin being ripped apart. Out of reflex I look down at myself to check the damage, but find that the beast struck the carcass of the horse. Enraged, the demon rips its weapon out, throwing the lower half and part of the broken carriage through the air. I have to distract it before it crushes my son or notices he's there. With narrowed eyes I stand up, moving my hands in a circle and forming a small ball of fire and with a quick motion I lob it straight at its face. Without my weapon and source I won't do any serious damage to him, but it is enough to burn its skin and leave a darkened bruise.

Filled with more rage it storms after me as I run deeper in the forest, praying to any god that can hear me that Kelan will be safe from harm even if I die today. I'm a few yards out when the stampeding noises behind me stop. Fearing the worst I quicky spin on my heel, but there is nothing there anymore. The beast isn't ravaging the cart, nor chasing me, even its footprints just suddenly stopped a few feet away from me. A demon doesn't just give up after its acquired its target and I'm certain this is just some foul trick to catch me by surprise, but I will not go down without a fight. I hold my breath, focusing on my surroundings for any sign of the infernal being when I can sense a disturbance behind me.

Another one of the rifts I've seen when that thing first struck us appears and my attacker slips through it, arms raised and he slams both of them down at me. Quickly I slam my palm into the air, creating a forcefield that pushes the horrendous thing back, staggering it slightly. Using the brief moment to my advantage I summon forth a flaming hydra head from the ground and without hesitation it begins to spew a stream of fire at my enemy. The demon is startled once more and raises its large arm to block the flames as best it can, not seeming to mind the pain of the third degree burns bubbling on its skin. Desperately I try to continue my relentless assault, but nothing seems to be able to stop its endless need to kill me.

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