Prompt #1

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               Prompt: Jamison, Kieran, and Cole hanging out when they were younger


                "Kieran, cut it out," Jamison said with a sigh.

                But Kieran jumped right into the stream before them, not bothering to take his sneakers or socks off. He kicked the water at Jamison with a toothy grin.

                "Aw, come on, Jamie, afraid of a little water?" he taunted.

                "Hey, cut it out! My mom will get mad if I get my clothes wet!" Jamison said, jumping back.

                But his foot caught on a rock and he let out a yelp as he fell backwards. He landed on his elbows, wincing.

                "You're such a klutz," Kieran said, coming over and offering Jamison his hand.

                "You're the one who was splashin' him," Cole said, watching from a safe distance.

                Jamison took Kieran's hand, letting the other boy pull him to his feet. He inspected his elbows, pouting at the light wounds there.

                "You're the worst," Jamison said.

                Kieran stuck his tongue out. "And you're a klutz."

                "Your mom's going to be mad that you got your shoes and socks wet," Jamison said.

                Kieran looked down at his wet shoes and shrugged. "I have other shoes. It's hot out."

                "Let's go change your shoes. I'll get us ice cream. My grandpa gave me money for helping him!" Jamison said. "You too, Cole. I'll pay for both of you."

                Cole's face brightened. "Yea? I like free ice cream."

                "Then let's go," Kieran said. He picked up a large stick and twirled it in his hands before pointing it in the direction of his house. "March onwards, men!"

                He slung an arm around Jamison's shoulders and the two walked together, Cole trailing alongside them. They reached Kieran's house after a bit and Kieran led them inside.

                "Kieran! Do not walk into this house with wet shoes!" his dad said, hurrying over and herding his son towards the door. "What did you even do?"

                "He jumped in the stream," Jamison said.

                "Big mouth," Kieran said.

                Jamison frowned. "But he asked."

                "Take them off. I'll get you dry socks," his dad said, shaking his head. "Were you down by the stream? Your mom said she couldn't remember where you were going, just that you were with the boys."

                Kieran's shoulders slumped a little. "I told her where I was going. Twice."

                Jamison put a hand on Kieran's shoulder and offered him a smile. "She knew you were with us! I'm sure she just has a lot on her mind today."

                Kieran's father didn't say anything, just hurried away upstairs. Kieran offered Jamison a weak smile. He knew why his mom had forgotten. Jamison knew, too. But it did make him feel a little better to think it might've been a moment of forgetfulness due to being busy, not due to being sick.

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