Prompt #3

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                Prompt: Connor gets Jonesy

                A.N.- This is so horribly short I am so sorry but here's a nervous boy with his doggo


                "Connor?" Kate Scully peeked into her son's room.

                He looked up from the video game he was playing and paused it. She glared and turned his lights on.

                "We told you to stop playing the dark. Your eyes scare me," she said.

                "What do you need?" Connor asked. "Are you going to the store?"

                "No, we're not going to the store," Kate said, gesturing her husband into the room.

                Jim Scully came in, a box in his hands. He held it out to Connor.

                "We got you a present," he said.

                "A present?" Connor furrowed his brow and took the box from his parents.

                He opened it and looked inside, eyes widening. Inside was a very small puppy. Connor stuck his hands in and pulled the puppy out, so light he barely even felt it in hi shands.

                "It's a Chihuahua. Something small that you can keep in your arms," Kate said.

                "A dog?" Connor said in surprise. " said we couldn't get a dog."

                "We talked it over," Jim said. "It's your dog, Connor. We'll help you train him and take care of him, but he's all yours. Then, if we're not home, you're not alone."

                Connor felt his heart squeeze in terror. We're they going to leave him home alone more often now? He hated when they left him, even just to run down the street to pick up milk from the gas station.

                "Hey, no, we're not going anywhere, Con," Kate said, squeezing his shoulder. "You're fine, it's okay. It's just in case we can't be here in the future. You know we get caught up at work sometimes. Now you'll have your dog to keep you company."

                Connor cradled the dog in his hands. It was so small. Connor held it against his chest. He would be careful with it.

                "It's my dog?" he said.

                "All yours, buddy," Jim said. "What are you going to name him?"

                Connor thought about it. "Jonesy," he said at last. "Like the cat. You know, from Alien."

                "Then Jonesy it is," Jim said. "See, now you don't have to be alone. You can always have the dog with you."

                They'd been worried about Connor. His separation anxiety had gotten even worse lately. They'd bought him a stuffed animal that they put Jim's tie and Kate's perfume on, but the trick had stopped working, and they were desperate. A dog would give Connor something to focus on and comfort himself with. They went for a Chihuahua because Connor had always liked to look at them in pet stores, plus a small dog would be something he could hold all the time.

                "You'll help me with him?" Connor asked nervously, still afraid this was some way for them to tell him he'd be home alone a lot.

                "Of course," Kate assured. "We'll be here to help you."

                Connor relaxed and looked down at his dog. He smiled, pushing his glasses up a little.

                "He's so cute," he said, placing a gentle kiss on the dog's head. Jonesy looked up at him curiously before snuggling against his chest. Connor's smile gew. But then Connor frowned nervously and looked at his parents. "What about school? I can't leave him home alone. He's so small!"

                "We' something out with the school. Or train him to be quiet in your bag if we have to," Jim said, having not thought that part through so well.

                "I'm not leaving him alone. He's scared to be alone," Connor said.

                Jim and Kate glanced at each other warily. Had they just created another problem?

                Oh, well. It was a school vacation right now. They'd have time to figure that out later. They were just relieved Connor seemed to have taken to the dog so quickly.

                "Don't worry about leaving him alone. We'll think of something," Kate promised. "Why don't you just spend some time with Jonesy for now? Dad and I will go make you lunch."

                They left the room and Connor shifted over to his bed. He set Jonesy down, carefully keeping him from the edges of the bed.

                "You don't have to be scared," he said, brushing his fingers along the dog's thin fur. "I'll protect you. I promise. And I won't leave you alone, Jonesy."

                Jonesy sniffed Connor's hand before licking at it. Connor smiled, overjoyed with his new companion.

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