Chapter 2

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I let go of Ethan's hand subtly, but he grabs it again. Asher immediately picks a spot to sit away from Rylyn's crowd,

"Maybe we shouldn't be here." I whisper,

"No, I said I would be at the food court, so we are eating here." His hand held mine tighter, then here comes Big Bad Rylyn.

"Hey Ethan," She noticed our hands, and tried to walk in between us, "what are you doing here?" When she tried to walk in between Ethan and I, Ethan pulled me towards him and held me in a "back-hug" thing. The great thing is Rylyn slipped and fell on the floor when we did this. I felt a little sorry for her, but not to sorry.

"Let's go to Taco Bell," He said, we walk a little and I look back, Rylyn is gone, relief came through my body. At Taco Bell we ordered and ate at our table, and walked back to Ethan's house. It was a short walk, but worth it. When we arrive, Goose, Ethan's dog, ran to the door to greet us. His black hair turned a little red, when he was done being pet. Sarah, Ethan's Sister, came to the door.

"Hi! How was the game?"

"Won 18/17." I replied.


"Ethan," his mother intervened, "Please, don't get red dirt all over, you slid again." That was true, Ethan slid into home during the game, saved us a point though.

"Worth it..." He said under his breath. By this point Asher had ran into the house, probably playing with his toys.We took off our shoes outside, to not make Ethan's mom mad, and we went to the playroom.We found that Asher is in his little Avenger-decorated tent. Ethan turned on his Xbox to play Fortnite, and we started talking until we got to the point that we were flirting and not even noticing we were. I felt so light on my feet, so anxious, so in love. He is so, how do you say it, perfect? No, he is better than that, extraordinary, that is the word. Time went by so fast, minutes felt like seconds, hours felt like minutes. I looked at the time, 8:45, our game did end at 6:30. Was time really going that fast? I said,

"My mom is probably wondering where I am."

"Can't you just text her that you are here?"

"I can, yet I do not want to impose."

"You are not, I can get a sleeping bag, pillow, and a pair of my clothes, you can sleep here. Tomorrow is a saturday." He offered.

"You don't want me to wear your clothes, I am sweaty from the game." I reminded him,

"Than take a shower." It seems like he really wants me to stay. So I pulled out my phone and texted my mom that I am staying at Ethan's house, I noticed that Ethan smiled when I sent it. He left right after, and came back in 2 minutes with a t-shirt and basketball shorts,

"Here." He smiled, that made me smile too.

"Thanks." I grabbed the clothes and walked to their bathroom, passing Ethan's room on the way. His room looks messy, did he actually just go through his whole drawer for me?I locked the door to the bathroom and turned on the water, does he have a crush on me too? This is not casual anymore, he is so adorable when he flirts, he blushes so much that he turns pink! I stood in the shower, my eyes closed, imagining us together. Mmm, him holding my hand, like he did today, still afraid to let go. I didn't want to impose anymore, so I turned off the water and got out. Oh no, which towel do I use? I finally blindly grabbed a towel and dried off. I put on the clothes Ethan's clothes, and looked at myself in the mirror. Put one side of my hair behind my ear, and walked out of the bathroom.

"That was a short shower." Ethan said.

"I guess I was in a hurry." I saw the pillow and blanket on the floor.

"I couldn't find the sleeping bag, I hope this is okay." I nodded, of course it was! I was here, with him, anything is okay. We sat on the couch, and he turned on the tv,

"Whatcha playing now?"

"I wasn't planning on playing anything, do you like Lady and the Tramp?"

"Ya! I love Disney, well anything that is not Frozen."

"I know right, that movie just got so annoying after time!" We smiled at each other, and played the movie. A little time went by and it was the spaghetti scene, we turned and looked at each other. At that moment I felt a strong force push me towards him, we were only two inches from each other. I looked at his lips, and then his eyes. One of his hands was on my back and the other was behind my hair, resting on my neck. His eyes slowly closed as he leaned closer, his lips finally landed on mine. We heard a little squeal from the door, I sat up immediately and looked at the door, through the crack I saw Ethan's little sister, Sarah, smiling. I laugh a little and lean into Ethan's arm that was still behind my hair, on my neck. She noticed us looking at her, and left. We made sure we closed the door and kept watching the movie. In the corner of the couch, Ethan and I snuggle his arm around my neck,I look at the time, 11:00! I was very tired. My eyelids grew droopy and finally closed to put me in a deep sleep. The only thing I noticed is Ethan re-arranging himself to have me laying on the pillow with him behind me, laying down to. Everything grew black, He must have turned off the movie.

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