Chapter 3

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Unexpected Call... And an Unexpected Kiss 

**JANUARY 30TH, 2012** 

Dressing in what she first wore when first coming here, her white shirt and blue jean pants, Fumiko then went downstairs to tell Dante that her family was coming. She had plugged in her cell phone, after finding a power outlet, to charge it. It was a newly bought phone and while charging she texted her mom that this was her new number for a new phone. 

Later on her mom called her in the middle of the night and told her that she was now worried and wanted to visit. Fumiko told her where she lived and worked and hung up when they said their goodbyes. "Dante, you awake," she called out as she was almost to the bottom of the steps. Yep, there he was, standing by his desk, talking into the telephone. 

Probably a job for later on. He hung up and asked her why was she so worked up for. "My parents are coming, and... I know how you can be, with your attitude and all, but can you be... polite when they arrive? Like no cursing?" "Why? You going to be embarrassed when your parents find that you're living with someone like me," asked Dante. 

What is this? A meeting with parents before dating or what? His thoughts stopped. 

Dating? Where did that come from? Maybe where he'd been resisting the fact that he liked her somewhere on a scale of one to ten, possibly eight or nine. 

"No. I just don't want to lose my job... and you," she slipped. She looked away from Dante. A flash of the dream she had half the month ago appeared in her head. 

And that was the reason why both of them couldn't talk to each other, they'd spill something out on accident. She'd been hiding her feelings till now and now Dante knew that she liked him. Since that night, the fight, they had wanted to act like just like friends who didn't have extreme emotions for the other. 

They sat silently on the couch, waiting for the family to come. To pass the time, Fumiko took out her wallet and showed him a family picture. There stood a man with black, a woman with dark brown hair and two other children,dark brown haired, that had similarities to another. 

Soon there was a knock on the door and both of them stood to greet the family. She opened the door and the family piled in. Her mother hugged her like she was back from the dead or something. 

She then asked her daughter,"You're eating well, aren't you, Faith?" "Yeah." If you consider strawberry sundaes for fruits and calcium and pizza for meat, veggies, a bit more calcium and bread... and don't use my real name because I don't want Dante to find out that I'm not so mysterious. 

Then her brother and sister, thirteen and sixteen, went to say hi to her and talk. Her little sister saw Dante shaking hands with their dad and mom. "Do you live with him," she asked. 

Fumiko shook her head. "Wow, he's cute. Are you two dating? I'll take him if you're not." Anger took her over and remembered that he has been not so nice to her, especially half the month ago, and she used that to scream out,"No! I wouldn't date a guy like him," the only evidence showing her true feelings was the blush, not pink but red, that appeared on her face. 

"Well, the blush sure does give it away," her sister said in a smart alec tone. She blushed more and her sister did know her well. Her brother decided to move away from them because he didn't want to hear any girl talk. 

He went to hang out with Dante. The parents, her mother, wanted to talk to her about things. Dante shouted out,"Hey, do you want to play pool," seeing the bored faces of the younger teens. They 'Yeah'ed and then ran to the table with green velvet and heavy miniature bowling balls. 

He showed them how to play and each got a turn to compete against him. He won only a couple of times because he wasn't such a good game player. That's why he always lost money. 

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