Chapter 4: The party

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Coiny's pov

             I wake up and see that's it's 8:00 am. I can't wait until 5:00 pm! I didn't do much that day expect think over the plan over and over in my mind. I look at the time and it's already 4:40 pm. I have 5 mins until I have to walk Firey to the party( the party is 15 min away). No big deal we are neighbors after all. I go to the bathroom and put on the tuxedo that I already owned.I come out and get a glance at the time 4:44 pm. I walk Firey over to the party, talking about multiple  different things. From how could a dog back flip to how annoying Flower is. I see that there are only a few other people there. Bubble,Leafy,Pin, and Needle. Firey sees Pin and Needle holding hands and says " Aw too bad." Pin gave a thumbs up to Leafy and she gave a thumbs up back to Pin. Leafy knew what to do. Firey started to walk up to Leafy. Leafy then kissed Bubble. Bubble was blushing bright red, confused to our plan. Firey had tears rolling down his cheeks. He came running to me and hugs me. I blush a light pink and give a thumbs up to Leafy, who stops kissing Bubble. I rub Firey's back as he cries into my arms. After he was done crying I took a deep breath. I knew what to do next. I said " Firey th-there's something I want to t-tell you." Firey asked " What is it?" I blushed a hot pink and said " You know how we're frenemies?"He said " Yeah?" I said, a very hot pink,"Well I've always s-sorta l-liked you..." He said, a hot pink," You were always my second crush,Leafy was 1st, but since she's taken, you're number one." I blush a dark pink. I grab ahold of his face, everyone cheering and giggling. We both leaned in closer and closer until we kissed.We didn't hear the flash of the camera, all we heard was giggling. After I pulled away Firey was bright red. I walked him home and slept on the floor. Best day ever! Welp good night,Diary.

frenemies turned BOYfrenemies( Firey x Coiny)Where stories live. Discover now