Russia x Reader

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_____ stood outside of the meeting doors, her back slouched and her head hung low. The world meeting had ended and she was one of the last people out. She stood as Romano, Spain, and China left the room, not acknowledging her as they walked past.
Once she thought that everyone had left, she re-entered the room and sat down in her chair. She threw her bag onto the table and started rummaging around until she found a couple of papers.
What she didn't know, is that she had caught the attention of someone on the other side of the room.
"Hello, ____." He spoke.
_____ nearly jumped out of her seat and tore a sheet of paper in half.
"God damnit..." she muttered then let her eyes follow the voice. "Oh, hello Russia."
Ivan got up from his seat in the corner of the room and shuffled over next to her. He took a seat and picked up a piece of paper.
"What are you doing?" He asked, reading and examining the document.
"Researching for the next meeting. I have to lead." She sighed and scribbled something down sloppily on a sheet of paper.
"I didn't notice. My mind often wanders during meetings."
"That's one thing I'm going to fix." She started, "I'm going to get everyone to pay attention."
"I don't see why you're so uptight about this. Just be as intimidating as possible, and they'll listen." He giggled a little.
_____ tapped her fingers against the table, "I guess that's just something I can't do. Is that why everyone's so afraid of you?"
Ivan sighed, "да. It's the only way I really know how to talk to people."
An idea formed in _____'s head. She shoved all of her stuff back into her bag and grabbed Ivan's hand.
"Come to my place. We can show each other how to interact with people!"
Ivan chuckled, "I'll try."

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

_____ pulled up to her house, with Ivan close behind. They both settled in as _____ brought drinks to the coffee table. She sat down on the couch and pulled out a pen and paper. Ivan shook his head and took the paper from her and flung it across the room.
"Don't take notes. Just listen."
She nodded and placed the pen down on the table.
Ivan went on and on about how he often couldn't make friends because he was so...
Aggressive is how he put it.
"I'm sorry." _____ said, "I never really thought about it like that. I thought you liked being alone."
It was silent for a while. ____ and Ivan both stared at the ground, not saying a word. Ivan soon broke the silence with a hearty laugh.
"It's all in the past now. I can finally talk to you."
_____ smiled, "I suppose I don't need to teach you anything then."
He nodded and took a sip of his drink, "Well, it's been really fun talking to you." He stood up and put a hand on her head, pushing down a bit too hard, "I hope we can talk again."
He bent down and kissed the top of her head. _____'s face went red as she watched him leave. He waved to her and she shyly waved back. He then drove away.
_____ shook her head, "That was nothing. Just a nice goodbye... that's all."


Ivan read as he wrote, "Dear Diary, today I finally managed up the courage to talk to _____. She's a very nice girl when she's relaxed. She tends to be a bit tense, but I think I like that about her. She invited me over to her place to talk and we had a good time. When we were finished, I gave her a peck on the head. I hope she doesn't think too much into it. But I don't know what it meant. It just felt right in the moment..."

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