Chapter 9-Disappearances...Poor Alec

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Alec is having a REALLY bad day...

He runs into an old friend...



Okay, so I was going to have a whole other second part to this, but this works too...

The other part will fit better with the next chapter anyways...

Hope you all like it




Okay, so there's still the slightest possibility that he was just delusional...

He was still holding out hope for that...

But either this 'toxin' they had encountered was one of the most powerful hallucinogens ever encountered by man,

Or he was, in actuality, stone cold sober and helping two Magic hunting 'Librarians' (with the aid of another librarian, an immortal former knight of the round table, and a, frankly, terrifying, extremely powerful warlock version of himself) recover four magical objects and apprehend a warlock who apparently read one too many comic books and took the supervillains as a kind of life goal.

Come on delusion...

In the meantime he had a case to solve.

The Magic team (that's what he was calling them, it was a lot shorter) was looking for info on their side on Lidan Campbell, specifically if they could find him going to that Magnus's house for the party a few nights ago.

Meanwhile The Psych Team (it fits okay, either it's the team that has a fake psychic, or it's the team that's in need of a psych evaluation, either way it works)
Was looking into his story on this side.

"Okay, so, how will we do this? How do we find out if this Lidan is the warlock or just some guy with a crush on Magnus?"
Ezekiel asked, somewhat at a loss.

It had been a while since he's worked an actual crime type case.
Especially with someone who was an actual member of the police department.

Well, okay, a fake psychic vaguely defrauding the SBPD, close enough.

He glanced over at Magnus

"Well...hopefully they'll get back to us quickly with a picture, if it's the same man I met, then we know for certain.
In the meantime we need to -" he begins, but is cut off by the bell over the door

"Hey Magnus, everything okay?" Alec called, somewhat cautiously

Oh crap!

He never thought there'd be a time he actually didn't want Alexander around, but he couldn't even begin to explain all of this to him...

The man didn't even buy it when he just said a cat was talking to him (Okay, yeah he was lying then, but that's beside the point)

How in the hell would he even begin to explain to Alec that a delusional megalomaniac warlock from another universe was planning on using a magic feather in order to steal people's essences on the next full moon?

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