3. First day of School

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Hey guys, sorry that last chapter we didn't meet Jacob or Edward. I'm still working on my writing, seeing as this is my first fic, please be patient and comments are appreciated! The picture is her clothes (just make the shirt green)

Katie POV
I woke up happy and rested, which was unusual for me, but what wasn't unusual for me was waking up before sunrise. It was part of the way I survived with my "dad". Get up early, come in late, stay outside as much as possible and inside as little as possible. I hop out of bed on silent feet, and realize Bella left me clothes on my dresser. She may be a little weird at some points, but her heart is always in the right place, I chuckle at the thought. I change into the clothes she left out grateful for their extra warmth since it's October. The outfit is black leggings with a long sleeved green shirt/jacket. I don't think they were supposed to be tight but, my body was much more built than my cousins. I appreciated them none the less. I looked at the clock next to my bed and it reads "6:05". I start to walk aimlessly around my room when my stomach growls loudly. Oh yeah, breakfast...probably should get some of that.

I walk downstairs with out making a sound, I try not to be arrogant, but I'm pretty proud of my "feline grace and agility" as my coach likes to call it. As I step into the kitchen I run into a disgruntled looking uncle. "Oh sorry, Katie, didn't see ya there. I'm off to work, Bells will take you to school with her, don't worry I already called and they are more than happy to accommodate you there." I'm momentarily speechless at his thoughtfulness, but manage to say "Thanks Charlie, that means a lot" I give him a wave as he heads out to work. At the same time I hear Bella's clunky steps and muffled curses as she stumbles out of bed and I into the bathroom, this time I laugh loudly, especially when she hits her foot and exclaims "stupid dang dresser! Always in my way! What did I do to you?"


30 minuets later Bella and I hop in her clunker of a car, she then proceeds to throw a backpack at me saying "Book bag, notebooks, pens" I give her a smirk commenting "I see your love for mornings hasn't changed" she scowls at me as I laugh at her. We pull up in the parking lot and I jump out of the car, and Bella...well calling it a stumble would be generous. I thought she was gonna eat pavement, but just before she fell, a really (and I mean really, really) pale guy grabs her and pulls her up. Bella laughs it off, even though her face is burning and says "Hi Edward" "Morning Bella" is his reply, and Jesus, his voice, it was deep and mature and no way could it belong to a teenager. As I'm lost in my thoughts, he glances over at me. I straighten, stretch out my hand and say "Hi, I'm Katie, Bella's cousin." He reaches over to shake my hand and says "Pleasure to meet you" then looks to Bella and back at me, saying "you guys look nothing alike" "yeah we get that a lot" Bella replies taking Edwards hand. Oh...Bells has a boyfriend, I smile at how cute they are as I follow them in. Edward keeps polite conversation with me about my hobbies, interests, etc. But they eventually leave to go to their classes and I to mine. All alone on the first day...great. I walk into my first class a couple minutes late, due to never being here before and getting lost. And of course everyone turns to look at me and the Biology teacher says "Oh! You must be Katie, welcome, take any open seat, and here is your textbook" I grab the book and head to the back of the classroom next to this huge football dude. As I sit, he leans over and says "Hey sweetheart, I'm Chad, you are super thic, wanna hang out after school, we can go to my place." Well that escalated quickly and ew just ew. But, trying to be polite and diffuse the situation I say "actually I have track practice after school, but it's very nice to meet you" he answers saying "aw come on baby, you know you want some" Yuck. Great start to the day. Now I'm fed up and done with this bullshit so I snap back "yeah I want some. Some damn space to take the biology notes and get situated in peace, find someone else the annoy" He just sits back and grins, as soon as the bell rings I'm out of there.

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