12. Her Story

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So, just to clarify, her scars are mainly on her back, but she has a few on her arms and stomach and legs. The ones on her arms and legs are faded and white with age so they're not noticeable unless you look. Her back has some that are white and newer ones that are fresh and red. You can either look at her scars as ugly or as proof of her strength and survival. I vote for option #2, buts it's your choice 😉 Enjoy the chapter

She shook her head absentmindedly so I asked her "Do you want to talk about it?" Her gaze lifted to mine and she swallowed, the words stuck in her throat, but I saw the answer screaming out  desperately in her eyes: yes.

Katie's POV:
I'd never wanted to talk to anyone about my past before. No one, not even Bella or Uncle Charlie. But when Jacob asked, I found myself wanting, no, needing to tell him.

He looked at me gently, but without the pity I'd expected. He still looked at me normally, tentatively, but as if I was still me. Not with the kicked puppy pity look. It made me trust him so much more and realize that Jacob was exactly right for me in ways I can't explain. So I swallowed the lump in my throat and said "yes".

So I told him. I told him everything. I told him about not knowing my mother and having a stepmother who hated me but kept my father in control. I told him about how the hitting started. I told him how I would sneak to school and steal concealer from the drama department to cover up the bruises. I told him about how my father turned to alcoholism and abuse with me as the primary victim. I told him about going to school early and leaving late to stay away from him. About how I learned to jump out of my window so he wouldn't see me leave. About the verbal abuse that sometimes hurt worse than anything physical.

About all the times I learned to cry myself to sleep without making a sound.

About the first time he put a cigarette out on my arm.

About him cutting me when he threw beer bottles at me.

About the first time he took a whip to me.

About finally snapping and leaving.

It was a long story and sometimes I grew quite and silent tears slipped down my face. But Jake was there wiping away the tears. Never once letting go my hand. Our fingers were intertwined and his hand was so warm and strong. His knuckles were red, but healing far faster than anything I'd ever seen.

By the time I had finished it was fully nighttime, the sun had disappeared and with it, any warmth in the air. The night was clear and the stars came out, making the world so much bigger. The beauty was semi ruined by the cold. But again Jake was there.

He noticed my shivering and wrapped his arm around me, pulling me into his side. My God, he was so warm. And strong. I could feel his muscles as he pulled me to my feet, his arm still around me. I looked up at him expectantly, he noticed my gaze and said "What?"
"Aren't you going to say something?" I asked him. He looked deep into my eyes, making my stomach flutter and my breathing hitch.

"You told me your story and I'm grateful and honored that you trust me enough to tell me. But that doesn't change who you are to me. You are the same girl I meet when you were kicking the shit out of those assholes in the woods. The same girl who can climb trees faster than anyone I've ever met and can crack jokes and sarcastic comments better than anyone I know. You're the girl who plays more sports than should be allowed and is incredibly intelligent. You are still you Katie. This changes nothing to me about you. Except the fact that I really want to beat up your dad."

He smirked at the end of his monologue and my heart melted into my shoes. Some ragged piece in my chest smoothed out at his words. That blind fear that people would see me differently based on my scars vanished with him.

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