When You Know What You Are

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"Jesus Christ," Lucy said wide-eyed, and freaked out.

"That is the last time we do one of your God forsaken plans!" Lisanna yelled, extremely agitated.

"Seriously Lucy, you're lucky you made it out of there," Erza supplied, seriousness covering from her words like honey.

"Please, don't ever let me come up with a plan. My God, I need to stop."

Once, their were collectively steeled, Lucy described the plan in full detail. It involved many risks, but it seemed to be the only solution.

They managed to get Cray separated from the hostages and his men, and while he was off, distracted by Lucy in a prominent hand-to-hand, the Erza, Juvia and Lisanna took the other men down. After they were all thoroughly unconscious, they gathered all the hostages outside, somewhere far away from the building.

While everyone was busy doing their own part, Gray went around the building setting up explosions. When everyone was safely out, and there was no means of escape for Cray and his men, Lucy would set off the detonation.

No one thought that Lucy having the ability to blow up an entire building was a good idea, but Lucy insisted since she was the one who would know when Cray was stabilized, she was the best choice. They were weary about trusting Lucy not to blow up the building with them in it, but it was the only way to complete the mission and save the innocent.

When the building was cleared, the agents told Lucy that the building was ready for detonation whenever she was.

Lucy didn't plan on making it out alive.


Out of breath and out of energy, Lucy didn't know how long she would be able to last. She knew Cray had extensive training in his pre-senator military days, but she didn't know it was enough to hold his own against her.

"When are you going to give it up?" He wiped blood away from his mouth. "My men have most likely taken care of your so called agents."

Lucy knew she had that in her favor: he didn't know about the explosives. And as much of a loose canon as she was, she wasn't about to spill the only advantage she had over him.

"What? Cat got your tongue?"

"Jesus, can you be any more cliché?" She said as she aimed for his collarbone.

Kicks, punches and slashes were dealt. Lucy felt like she had the upper hand, like she could beat this guy. Until he scooped her up and slammed her on her side, the side the detonation button was on.

Lucy looked towards her pocket, back still injured to move and check on it. Cray saw her look and reached into her pocket and took out the button.

"Why do you even have this? You won't be able to communicate with the outside world. We cut off the connection. See?" He pressed the button once, the again for good measure. "Nothing. No one is coming to save you. "

The building started shaking right off its foundations. "Why are you this stupid?! Don't you know that you never press the red button? Have you never watched an action movie?!"

Lucy panicked as pieces of the building started to fall. She didn't know how she was getting out. They were on the second floor in the middle of the hospital. Nowhere near an exit.

"What is happening?" The Senator screamed.

"The button, you dickweed!"

Right then, a piece of the ceiling fell over and landed on Cray's legs, immobilizing him. "Hey! Help me!"

Amidst the chaos, Lucy still managed to look at him like he was crazy. "You just tried to kill me and other innocents to commit fraud just to win an election. Hells to the no."

"Please! I'll turn myself in! I'll confess to everything. Just help me out!"

As Lucy ran out of the room, going to search for a way out, she yelled back, "Nah. Laters!"

She could still hear his screams as she ran further and further way. She couldn't jump out of a window, the floors were built ridiculously high. She's die on impact. Her only option was to go downstairs to the first floor, where the danger of being caved in was at its peak.

Meanwhile, the others were outside, keeping the hostages calm and safe. Lisa a WAS the first to notice the disaster.

"Hey! Lucy isn't out yet is she?"

Without looking up from one of the hostages, the others answers in unison, "No."

"Then why the hell is the building toppling over?!"

That caught their attention. They all turned, and look at the disaster occurring. "Stay here!" They yelled to the civilians as they ran to the site of the building.

Lucy was nearing the exit she was supposed to leave from, when rock and cement landed on her left leg and arm. She grunted as she tried to get her limbs free.

She caught sight of the others reaching the entrance. "Lucy! Don't worry we're coming!"

As soon as they stepped a foot into the building, cement del and blocked their path.

"NO! Stay out and go tell Natsu what happened! Cray is dead and the hostages are safe. That's what matters."

"We're not leaving you here!" Erza yelled as she cleared a path, pieces of building still falling around them. The four worked to get building off of Lucy as fast as the could and carried her out as the rest of building crumbled and fell.


Once the hostages were safely returned and the agents were well on their way home, Juvia asked the question that had been nagging her.

"Why would you be willing to give your life for us? Or even for this stupid trial mission?"

Lucy shifted and turned in her seat, facing away from the window of the plane that was taking them home. Gray continued for Juvia when she was met with silence. "Yeah, I mean, you still hardly know us. And you heard Natsu, this is a test run. It was worth your life."

Lucy thought for a second, they stared at each of them in the eye.

"When you know what and who are, sacrifice isn't that hard."

With that, she turned towards the window, and spent the rest of the plane ride in silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2018 ⏰

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