Chapter 21

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(Reapers  POV)

My jaw dropped at the news "WHAT?!" i roared rushing out the door quickly leaving Goth Confused I hollered before running out to stay there.

 "How did you find out?!" i asked the guard who struggled to keep up with my pace "t-the survivors came hear seeking shelter there in the court-" I ignored the rest of his sentence rushing faster out of the door.

I Could already hear the chattering of many people bursting through the doors the talking stopped imidiently,All there eyes turned to me "Wheres your kings?" i asked loudly not moments after both Dream and cross came to view Cross had his arm slung across Dreams shoulder He was limping severely. Clicking my fingers a servant awaited my orders 'yes my king?" "Please send medics to attend to the wounded And take king Cross to the medic ward this instant" they nodded rushing to help Cross who gladly took his help wincing at each step.

"Dream do you have any severe wounds?" He shook his head "Good come with me." Dream tailed me down the hallway heading to my office Once we arrived i shut the door sitting down swiftly Dream hesitantly followed. "I was told East had fallen is that true?" Dream hesitated "Yes,They came out of nowhere they had way more troops then us attacked us at our weakest guard points then used there weapon on us The gas,it started slowly but then spread  through out the whole town not many people made it we had to flee im so sorry to invade but-" i held up a hand to stop him "Who was this?" dream breathed deeply shaken by what was happening "It was King Error he broke the truce i dont know how he new where our weakest points where." Said Dream in a fearful tone I tapped my fingers in rhythm thinking of my next move "Dream, You have to understand if word gets out that wars breaking out and that im keeping you guys safe hear Riots will break out." Dream nodded understanding the gravity of the situation "i do apologize but we had no where to turn The north had bin proven to be the most faithful to us We had no other options." 

Standing up i walked to the door "By Dawn Dream, Word would have gotten out if My people cease to stay loyal to the crown then ill have to ask you and your kingdom to move,Ill figure something out for you nd your people dont worry." Dream nodded Right before i left though he spoke "be careful Reaper What Error told me is hes looking for blood,Looking for revenge please do be careful and stand your ground." "i will, Now please attend to your people I must discuss things with my council and Geno."

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