Chapter 19

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(Errors pov)

"Will you stay true to the deal?" I smirked and looked back at ink "mAbEy MaBeY nOt" "How many days did you give him?" I chuckled darkly "NOt EnoUgH" "WHy Do YoU CaRe ArTisT, YOuR On BoaRd WiTh ThIs YoU ToLD mE YoUr SeLF." Ink sighed behind me "If YoU ArE hAvinG sEcOnD ThOUghTs,My KiNgDoMe HaS No PlAcE FoR TraTioRs AgAinSt mE." "No im not having second thoughts I was just wondering if this is the best plan for action? I mean North is one of the strongest growing kingdoms with equally strong leaders" I scoffed "ArE YoU QuEsTioNg My AuThOuRiTy?" "No Sir im questioning your motives" I let out a deep breath "YoUr LuCkY I CaRe For YoU ArTisT"

(Reapers POV)

Huh went to East with Goth for a visit Be back soon i read the note carefully then folded it back neatly placing it on the dresser. I started heading to the Green house wanting to have a moment of peace before Goth comes running in or The servants or maids request for my presence at some place. 

When i arrived i let out a relifed sigh the rose scent overwhelming my senses Sitting on the edge of the fountain I looked out the glass windows It was mainly woods large towering evergreens I never really walked that way to see those evergreens I thought randomly. "SIR!" I jumped so startled i fell in to the fountain. "Oh MY Gosh Im so sorry! But your needed imidiently a urgent meeting has bin arranged and your needed!" I choked on some water coughing and sputtering glaring angrily at the maid who startled me. "Ill Be there in a moment." i said through gritted  teeth she flinched and gav a fearful look before she  nodded hurrying out before she can feel my wrath I stood Up shivering slightly from the cold water "Great need to change now" i muttered quickly heading to my room.

"So what your saying is that we should request help from other kingdoms in case of another war?" i asked bored out of my mind undyne nodded "Yes sir,King Errors kingdom has pulled out of the reports and has ceased all contact I fear that they might attack." I grimaced at the information i dont think the people could take another war. "Sir please think about this Our kingdom may look tough but Where really struggling if king Error dose launch a attack it could be the fall of North we need South and East with us." "Yes Error could be planing a attack but what if he isnt then our kingdom would be known to have started this war so No we wont request assistance not yet at least We need to think of the people" "And we are sir! If we dont get people to defend our cities and towns then what kind of ruler are you?" snapped undyne I growled in frustration "Undyne you will follow my orders we will not act Unless they wage a war on Us am I clear?" Undyne slammed her fist on the table "Sir! with all due respect If your gonna sit back and watch our kingdom fall In to flames-" "captain undyne,If you dont find your place in one second you shall be removed from your duties" i said through gritted teeth. She was about to speak again But stopped and nodded "Yes sir i apologize"I sighed rubbing my temples "At least if we do go to war We need a better strategy instead of going in a rampaging" She nodded "Ill make a variety of battle strategies" i nodded and waved her off 

The door opend slowly again "Reaper?" I turned back at Geno He was pearing from the doorway wide eyed "I heard there was a meeting was i-" I shook my head and forced a smile "Dont worry about it love,So where did you run off to?" Geno shrugged "No where really" he said but was clearly hiding something "Geno Did something-" "father!" the small child hugged my leg "Goth what did i say about running in the castle?" "Do it more often?" Goth said with a sly look I rolled my eye light and looked at geno who was now giggling "Alright,alright fine now run along you." Goth nodded and ran off again "one day hes gonna run in to someone" i said to Geno he smiled "Kids will only be kids once I say let him have his fun" I nodded yawning slightly "Tired?" Geno asked I shrugged "I have some stuff to do can you make sure Goth dosnt get in to too much trouble and to make sure he stops bugging the staff" Geno Giggled  "Ill try" i nodded and turned to head to my study "Oh and Reaper!" i looked back "make sure you get some sleep you look tired to the bone" i rolled My eye lights at his slight pun suppressing a real smile "Fine i will" i said continuing to walk.

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