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You flip down the protective mask as you step back next to Gunner on the Rekt set.

"Ready?" You ask Gunner and Tanner as you hold a baseball bat in your hand.

"Always." Gunner replied.

You let a mischievous grin cross your face behind the mask and you raise the baseball bat covered in nails high above your head. You swing it backwards ready to slam it down when you hear a loud cry of pain come from behind you. You quickly stop yourself and spin around to see Gunner grasping his face, blood streaming down his cut face.

You drop the bat when you see the sight.

"Stop the cameras!!" You hear Tanner yell at the crew.

"Oh my gosh, Gunner!" You squeal as you place a hand over your gapping jaw, "I thought you said you were ready!?"

Gunner winced in pain as he moaned out, "I didn't have time to flip my mask down."

Tears come to your eyes seeing his blood covered face, "I'm sorry."

Tanner grabs Gunner by the arm and quickly shoots you a mean glare before rushing Gunner off set. You watch as the two race off to clean the wounds.

You let your tears flow as you walk off the set, Wood tries to stop you but you brush him away as you race out of the room and through the office doors into the parking lot. You sit yourself on the bench outside and hide your face in your palms.

Poor Gunner looked in so much pain, large, deep scratches went from his forehead to his lip. This was one of the worst accidents to ever happen on set, you had really screwed things up.

You sat there on the bench for almost half an hour when Tanner approached you. You looked up from your hands at him after hearing his footsteps.

"Is Gunner alright?" You ask him tears in your eyes and your voice rough from crying.

"He should be, the nails cut pretty deep, he may have to get a few stitches but except for that he should be okay." Tanner explained to you.

You hung your head, "Can I talk to him?" You ask avoiding eye contact.

Tanner nods, "I guess so." He then leaves you and heads back into the studio.

It wasn't long until Tanner arrived it Gunner at his side, bandages on his cuts and pads covered his face. You glance over at Tanner.

"Alone please." You ask him.

Tanner hesitates for a second before nodding and leaving you both alone outside.

Gunner joins you on the bench, he smiles slightly.

"Hey, I'm so-" you begin before Gunner puts a finger to your lips.

"Hey, it's alright (Y/N). You didn't mean to." Gunner says softly, almost in a whisper, "If it's anyone's fault it's mine."

"What?" You question him.

Gunner's face goes more red then the dried blood that covered most his face, "The only reason I didn't flip my mask down was because..." he paused before chuckling slightly, "I was admiring you..."

You give him a odd look, "Me?" You ask I little bit flabbergasted.

Gunner laughs, "Yes you, who else would I be admiring? Tanner?"

You laugh at his response, "Well that beard of his is pretty sexy."

Gunner smiles at you before slowly leaning in towards you. You didn't know what was happening before his cut lips landed on yours. Your eyes grew wide before you relaxed them and closed them putting your arms around her neck and kissed him back.

You sat there on the bench kissing before a voice breaks you to up, "Gunner!" It calls.

You two gasp and retract. You both turn your heads round to see Tanner and Matthias standing there, their eyes full of surprise.

"What the actual heck..." Tanner sputters as he states at you both.

Matthias laughs and shakes his head, "We need to run you to the hospital Gunner. Sorry to break you guys up but it's urgent (Y/N)" he says still chuckling to himself.

Your face was now also red and you nod slowly, "Of course." You respond to your boss.

Gunner giggles before giving you a quick hug and standing up from the bench to leave with Matthias.


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