18: Counting the Conquests

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I opened my eyes and blinked, looking around the room. Somehow I was laying down but this was not my parlor... I sat up a little and found it to be Andrew's parlor and remembered getting dizzy and losing my balance on the stirrup of the saddle and falling off. I didn't feel a knot on my head or anything so it must have been of my own accord to pass out. I sighed when the door opened and Minerva walked in.
"Oh, you're awake. Are you alright, Duke Barma?"
"I should be fine... I'm sorry you had to see that horrid display of unmanliness."
"It happens to more of them than they would let on." She set a small basin next to me and looked at me. "Lord Higgaby informed me to cool you off with a cool rag but since you're awake..."
I looked at the basin and kept myself from reaching out and touching her face. I just nodded and stretched a little.
"Yes, I'm fine. I apologize for all of this."
"I'm sure it wasn't your plan."
I nodded again and stood up slowly, wanting to get away from her and back to my own home.
"Wait, Duke Barma, Andrew said that he wanted to check on you before you left."
"Andrew, is it?" I said a little more angrily than I wanted.
Minerva blinked at me and then frowned.
"Do you have a problem with our relationship?"
Minerva frowned deeper. "What does it matter to you whether I have a relationship with Lord Higgaby or not? According to many of the women of London, you are the biggest rake in England."
I blanched at her, even though it was true. The woman who was so against being labeled as the mistress of a duke was rumpling sheets with my best friend, who had almost raped her some months ago... The thought was too much and I couldn't hold it in any longer.
"I expected a woman of your class to at least have some dignity for herself. You have three boys who look up to you for everything and yet you give yourself to someone like Andrew?"
"Would you rather I give myself to you?" she snapped, crossing her arms at me.
"I never asked of such a thing. Believe me, if I wanted you, I don't have to steal you from Andrew. You'd come to me willingly."
Minerva's hand hit my cheek and she glared at me.
"I don't appreciate you trying to tell me who and who not to have my affairs with. After all, Duke Barma, I just met you. Don't act like you know me."
"I know you more than you think I do..." I grumbled, touching my stinging cheek.
"I beg your pardon?"
"Lady Cavensold, I believe I will take my leave of you. You vex me like no one I've ever known and your headstrong attitude is most unbecoming upon your pretty face. If you'll excuse me, I will take my leave. Maybe you will have a head about your shoulders when we meet at Lady Granthum's party."
"As if I would give you the satisfaction of catching me."
I smirked at her as I went to the door. "My dear, Minerva, I am the king of cat and mouse. As of now, you are my mouse. Meow, to you."
I opened the door and headed toward the stables.

As I entered the stables to get my horse, I heard someone call my name but I wanted to ignore it. Unfortunately, I couldn't and so I sighed and waited.
"Salem, what is your problem?" Andrew asked.
"Whatever do you mean?"
"Minerva told me of your bold move upon her. You do realize that I am courting this woman?"
"My apologies, I was not aware that you two were so involved." I said with a frown.
"Yes, we are very much in love."
I tightened my hands on the reigns of the horse but then grinned.
"Then I will just have to try harder."
Andrew blanched at me. "You can't be serious?"
"I am."
"Why her? Why this one?"
"You don't know her..."
"I know her a whole lot better than you do! While you've been a convalescent in your manor, I've been perusing the ton."
"I can't help that I've been having some health issues."
"And I can't help that I got her before you."
I growled but sighed, tired of this ridiculous argument. He was right in having her, for I was not really in the picture.
"Just... treat her right."
Andrew made a face and I got onto my horse, running back to my manor.

The night of the dinner party came and I put on my best clothes, knowing there would be a lot of young women present. Even though I was after one, I wanted to at least peruse. Plus, I knew that Sophia would be looking for me.
"It's good to see you looking so sharp again, Lord Barma." Uma said, handing me my hat.
"I'll be back eventually."
"You always do come back, drunk or not is the real question."
I smiled and got in the carriage. I breathed in and my breath caught, making me cough. I had a bit of a coughing fit and finally calmed down, pulling my hand away. My white glove was covered in tiny red spots and I cursed. This is what happened to Bastion before the worse of the backlash came over him. I would make it through tonight...
The carriage finally stopped at Lady Granthum's house and I stepped out of it, greeted by a footman and four servants lined on either side of the walkway. When I got into the manor, there was a buzz of conversation and I gave my hat to the doorman, making my way toward a servant with champagne on a tray. I grabbed a flute and began to sip it gingerly. I had stuck my gloves in my pockets.
"I've found you." Someone said beside me.
I looked over and found Sophia as she blatantly acted nonchalant. The woman really needed to learn how to look as if we were meeting per happenchance...
"Lady Sophia."
"I haven't seen you in a fortnight. Was not our night of passion good enough?"
"It was not that, milady. I have taken ill since then."
"So your maid told me. I'm very happy to see you up and about again. Maybe we can have another night like the one we had before?" she said, slowly fluttering her fan in front of her face.
I rolled my eyes at her very persistent nature. Didn't she know what 'a night of passion' was? It was literally one night of passion. Just one... no others...
"Ah, Duke Barma." Lady Granthum said, walking up to me. "I was afraid you wouldn't come since you turned down Lord Hixon and Lady Tibbathy's invitations."
I smiled at the older woman and gave an almost nonexistent bow to her.
"And I sent my apologies to both of them, for I had taken ill and could not attend their parties. I have recently been able to finally get out of bed and thought I should make myself present here. Besides, you serve the best wine I've ever had."
The old woman smacked my arm with her folded fan.
"You're a rogue alright... I was surprised to find Lady Cavensold on the arm of another beau besides Lord Higgaby. Do you know who that strapping young man is about her arm?"
"If I knew where she was I might be able to tell you." I said with a taut smile.
Lady Granthum pointed past two women and I leaned over to look. I smiled, happy to see him instead of Andrew.
"That would be the son of her late sister. She had died and so she raises the children herself. That is the oldest boy, Bastion Thrathum."
"Interesting... I must introduce myself to him. Lady Sophia." she added, walking off.
I watched Lady Granthum so that I would have an excuse to look at Minerva. Her dress was beautiful and she looked so regal, like she belonged.
It broke my heart.
"Duke Barma." I looked at Sophia. "You never answered my question."
I looked at her and gave the smile that I knew would make her stop asking questions and leaned into her ear.
"How about we talk about this at a later time when we are all alone, eh? I don't think you'd like to have our affairs out in the open?" I said in a raspy voice.
Sophia sighed and nodded, walking away in a daze. I had to laugh at how well that worked.
"Duke Barma." I looked up and saw Bastion walking to me with Minerva. "You clean up well."
"Bastion." Minerva growled, grabbing his arm. "I'm sorry, Duke Barma, this is his first event. At this rate, it will be his last."
Bastion gave an embarrassed smile and I laughed.
"Don't worry, lad, you'll get used to it. Soon you'll be as snobbish and prude as the other men here." Bastion grinned. "Where is your Lord Higgaby?"
Minerva frowned. "Speaking with the Earl of Shiveltum about some finances. What do you care?"
"Now, now-" I coughed, pulling my arm over my mouth. "Pardon me..." I looked at my jacket and saw the blood was there again. I cleared my throat and smiled. "I need to go to the washroom, please excuse me."
I weaved in and out of people's way as I headed toward the washroom, suddenly feeling clammy and lightheaded. I finally made it into the washroom and poured some water into the wash basin to just clean my face off and get the clamminess off of me. I sighed and used the towel to dry my face, loosening my cravat.
"Duke Barma?"
I looked up as Bastion walked in.
"Are you alright?"
"I'm fine... I guess I wasn't over my sickness as well as I thought I was."
He looked me over and then looked at my sleeve.
"You cough blood, sir." He said quietly.
I looked at my sleeve and used the towel to try and press it out.
"It's not contagious. I promise. I wouldn't be so stupid as to bring consumption to a party."
Bastion still looked at me and frowned. I smacked him on the shoulder and began to walk past him but Bastion grabbed my arm.
"I feel like I know you. I feel as if this is my fault... Why?"
I pulled my arm from him.
"It's nothing. Don't worry about it and know that it wasn't your fault, whatever you think it is."
He nodded as we both walked out of the washroom just as dinner was about to start.

I made it through dinner and then there was dancing. I danced to a couple of songs that I knew but the dances were so new that I mostly watched. It's hard to be part of the ton and not know what dances are supposed to be done. I mostly watched Minerva dancing with Andrew and some songs with Bastion, who kept looking at me with a curious expression the whole night. I danced a couple of songs with Sophia and some other girls when a small jig began to play. Only a few people got out to dance and I knew the steps but not many others did.
"Do you know the steps?"
I looked at Bastion as he looked at me brightly.
"Yes, I do."
"Good, my Mum knows them too."
He pulled Minerva through the crowd and threw her to me. I caught her before she fell and she looked up at me. I blinked but smiled.
"Would you like to dance?"
Minerva nodded a little and I led her to the floor. Of course, as soon as it did, the tempo changed again and everyone was back in two parts. Luckily this was an old dance I could keep up with it. Minerva and I came together and she started up into my eyes.
"You know... you can be charming when you want to be." She said softly.
"If given the chance."
I held a hand as we put our hands behind our backs.
"I'm sure this is how you get your deeds done; your charming nature and debonair smile."
We turned.
"Well, in all honesty, I don't need either of those things."
We parted and switched partners for a minute and then came back.
"Oh? Then how do you gather your conquers?"
"I don't."
"Madam, you suggest I tally up my successes as if I were playing a game of cards. As much as I enjoy a good night of sin with a beautiful woman, I am only looking for the one who will not be so much a good hand of cards but rather, the one card that makes the hand win the game. Therein, I am looking for the ace of my game."
"In that, Lady Cavensold, my tongue is what wins my conquers. Just as a good poker face can win the game, my words have won many a pot."
We bowed to each other for the end of the song and walked back to the crowd as everyone prepared to leave.
"You know, I misjudged you, Duke Barma."
"Yes. You're even more of a rake than I expected. To calculate so diligently your conquests is... remarkable. I pray I do not fall tempted to them."
I smiled at her. "Stay with me a little longer and you may have trouble holding up to that statement."
Minerva's face actually flushed as she grabbed her coat and gloves, walking about with Bastion, who waved goodbye. I sighed when I felt an arm on mine.
"Tonight, you're mine."
I was pulled away into the trees.

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