Part 4

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When I arrived at Bianca's place she was no where to be found. No surprise there. She had no doubt won over the guy that turned her down, and was probably out at a bar enjoying herself. Meanwhile I was stuck at home to spend the rest of my night trying to come up with answers to my unasked questions.

I sighed, dissapointed that I would not be able to give my six year virginity away, and I also wouldn't be able to solve this whole situation in one night. I can't really say which I was more bummed out by. One thing was for sure though; I would likely lose sleep to my overactive imagination that would not relinquish it's hold on my conscious. Something I did not look forward to.


I blinked at my bedroom ceiling, never actually falling asleep. As predicted, I'd spent my sleeping hours running through last nights events, trying to see if there was something I hadn't caught about Bianca. Maybe something that she had said that would hint to what was going on? Or a laugh that she held back because this was all some prank that she had planned out? But there was nothing. Bianca hadn't been acting suspicious, not that I'd noticed if she was. That much was obvious.

I sighed and sat up in bed. I hadn't got any sleep at all. No surprise there. How could I when it was possible that the best friend that I'd come to know, might not be the person I thought she was?

I didn't know what to think. It's true that this could all be a mistake or a huge coincidence, but there was this nagging feeling that told me it wasn't either one. A feeling that told me this was something bigger--maybe even something worse.

I'd figured out that when it came to instincts, it was best to follow them. Especially if I didn't want to repeat the reason why I'd been single for so long

I'd realized six years ago that if something made you feel uncomfortable, then it was best not to go along with it. Especially if that something you didn't trust was a boyfriend who had just lost everything and was under a lot of stress. I had ignored my conscious, and I was now haunted by memories that I wish I could erase.

Not wanting to relive any of those memories again, I slipped out of bed and started getting ready.

I pulled my short, blonde hair into a quick pony tail and started going over the things I would ask Bianca. Is your name really Bianca? Did you even know the guy you set me up on a date with? And, the one I dreaded asking the most--Who are you?

As I went through the questions I had, I tried to keep an open mind. Reminding myself that this might not be as big of a deal as I felt it was.

I was conflicted, and my mind was a mess as I walked out of my small apartment. I was so out of touch with reality that I actually managed to knock into a guy on my way to my car.

Wait. Car?

I let out a frustrated sigh. I didn't have a car. Well, not for at last six year of my life I didn't.

I left my thoughts behind me as I examined the damage I'd done. Which wasn't much, actually. Just a little wrinkle on a nice shirt that was worn by an even nicer guy. One I recognized from last night.

"Hi, Amy." He smiled all too familiarly.

"Hi..." I trailed off, not knowing what to say.

He didn't seem to mind. "So why'd you rush out on me like that last night?"

"Uh..." Was all I managed to say, and then once I snapped out of it I said, "I gotta go."

Then I took off running down the sidewalk, thankful that I was wearing my usual converse instead of the high heels Bianca had me wear last night.

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