ღChoosing how to liveღFamily Ties- Part 1

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ღChoosing how to liveღ (Family Ties-Part 1)

Special Thanks to my beta StuntedDarkness

Disclaimer:I dont own the vampire diaries!

''The real animal is still out there. Waiting for me. Challenging me to fight back to stop him. But how do I stop a monster without becoming one myself?

Skye's POV

''Logan Scumfell'' my brother announced.

I walked into the living room lifting the small box where our family's most sentimental belongings were placed. I looked at my brother like he completely lost his mind as he sat on the couch eating a bowl of cereal.

''Uh, who are you talking to?'' I asked, he looked up at me amused.

''the news guy'' he chuckled.

''also known as Logan Scumfell, what Jenna likes to call him'' he continued

''I'm still lost'' I said confusedly.

''Did mom ever tell you why Jenna moved away from mystic falls?'' he said with a teasing smile while I quickly realized what he was saying and my face fell in realization.

''No way! Jenna and that guy?'' I said with a grin. He simply nodded with a small smile I glanced back at the tv screen while Logan Fell continued to report that the culprit for these animal attacks was finally caught.

''he's cute'' I said with an approving nod.

Jason glanced at me sending me a glare, and turned off the tv.

''uh I mean, ew boys, yuck'' I said with an innocent face.

''he isn't cute, he's a complete douche. He broke Jenna's heart'' Jason said, his voice held distain towards the man that broke his good friends heart.

I simply nodded with a small smile still on my lips and walked out with Jason following behind me carrying his now empty bowl. I took a seat on our dinning table taking out the pocket watch our family has passed along with some other significant jewelry.

''what are you doing with that?'' Jason asked curiously while he washed his bowl.

''I went yesterday and got it from the safe deposit box. Mom had told Mrs. Lockwood that they would loan it to the founders council for their heritages display'' I answered carefully cleaning the old bulky ring that had belonged to my father.

''I wonder how much this stuff is worth on eBay'' Jason asked holding great grandma Ana's wedding ring. I sent him a glare and took the ring from his hands before I spoke up.

''funny, Jay. You're not gonna find out'' I said narrowing my eyes at him while he shrugged in response while he put on his coat when suddenly the doorbell rang.

I stood up and walked to my front door wondering who would come visit us. We usually never had visitors. I opened the door and was met with a pair of bright green eyes staring into my grey ones.

''Hi'' Stefan spoke with a small smile tracing his lips. I immediately felt the butterflies in my stomach hearing him speak.

I smiled brightly at him and grabbed his hand and tugged him inside the house. I slammed the door shut and I grabbed his face placing a sweet and gentle kiss on his lips.

''Hi'' I replied after I broke the kiss with a grin matching Stefan's.

''Hello'' I heard my brothers voice call.

Both Stefan and I stood up straight, my heart beat increasing realizing my brother hasn't officially met Stefan.

''Jason, this is Stefan Salvatore, my boyfriend, Stefan this is Jason my brother'' I said nervously. Stefan smiled politely at brother as well as Jason.

''Nice to meet you Jason'' Stefan said holding out his hand for him to shake.

''You to Stefan, nice too finally meet the guy that makes my sister smile so much'' Jason said sending me a grin while they shook hands.

''I gotta go to class, you kids don't have too much fun alright'' Jason said narrowing his eyes at me while he gave me a small goodbye hug.

''Bye Jason'' I laughed as he shut the door. My gaze fell back to Stefan while he looked at me with a glint in his eyes.


We soon found each other kissing passionately in my room. Our lips moving in sync in a loving kiss that could last forever. Our lips didn't break away as Stefan slowly laid me down, his hand cupping my cheek while we lost ourselves in this heated kiss, until he suddenly pulled away, sitting up and panting as if to gain control. The smile never left my face despite him pulling away from me. I sat up and placed a hand on his shoulder.

''hey are you ok?''

''yes, I'm fine'' he breath out.

''sorry'' he continued.

''Maybe we should press pause'' I added. He finally met my gaze and sent me a smile.

''Yeah, you're probably right. That was getting a bit...''

''Yeah'' I finished with a grin plastered on my face. He chuckled and nodded in agreement.

''Yeah'' he added standing up and sat on my window seat looking at me.

''How good do you look in a suit?'' I questioned.

''I can pull one off''

''How about tomorrow night? Will you be my date to the Founders party?'' I asked a small smile playing on my lips.

''They still do that?'' he asked putting on his discarded shoes.

''Have you been to one before?''

''No, the Salvatore's don't get invited anymore.'' he informed.

''Well, this year, there's this heritage project that meant a lot to my mom, she was really involved in the Founder's council and it was her favorite party. I know it sounds really boring but...''

''I would be honored to accompany you, Miss Stewart.'' Stefan cut me off, stopping my rambling and making my heart flutter from his gaze never leaving mine.

''The pleasure is all mine Mr. Salvatore.''


I was at the Gilbert's house, so that Elena, Bonnie and I could all get dolled up for the Founders party when the doorbell rang. Elena had told me earlier that Tyler was stopping by for our things that we loaned for the party so both Elena and I walked towards the door with our items in hand.

''I'm here for my mom, supposed to pick up a box...'' Tyler's voice filled my ears.

'' it's right here.'' Elena called, while we both handed him the box.

'' Please be careful'' I stressed.

''Yeah be careful with it, dick.''

''Hey. Not now, ok, guys? Please?'' Elena pleaded while I simply nodded in agreement.

''I'm fine, he's just being a punk.'' Tyler added with a distasteful glare at Jeremy.

''I got your punk'' Jeremy said annoyance clear in his voice.

''look Tyler, maybe you should go. Tell your mom I'll see her tonight.'' I said trying to stop this confrontation.

Elena nodded and grabbed my hand leading me back to the kitchen. When I heard the door close I glanced over my shoulder. Jeremy stood there his face filled with anger, he looked back at me and that same hurt expression came across his innocent face, he shook his head and stormed up stairs leaving me with a knot in my throat. I never meant to hurt him, I never meant to cause that pain that flashed every time he looked at me, I never meant to lose him as my friend and I certainly never meant to break his heart.

A/N: incredibly short chapter but that just means the next part will be longer :) already working on. Lately I've been obsessed with Teen Wolf specifically Derek hehe. He just has that bad boy vibe that reminds me so much Damon lol. This has nothing to do with the story but I freaking love Austin Mahone :D look him up on YouTube if you don't know who he is. :) he's incredibly talented. Ehhh nothing more to say besides that. Vote guys :) don't be shy to comment too! (thank you to those of you that tell me you like my story :) I'll try to update sooner.

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