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Natasha's Pov
"Um Natasha what are you doing here" kat asked

"My boyfriend lives here" I said laughing about to walk upstairs

"No don't go upstairs" Corey said

"Why" I asked

"Colby isn't here" sam said

"His car is here" I said

"Why don't you come hangout with us" Elton said

"I wanna go see my boyfriend" I said walking upstairs

"Natasha" jake said as I was finally upstairs

"What" I said turning around and seeing all of them

"Don't. Just come downstairs" devyn said

"No" I said walking to Colby's room and hear moaning I walk in and see Colby with a girl
"What the fuck" I said

"It's not what it looks like" Colby said

"Really then what the fuck does it look like you ass" I said now crying

"I'm sorry" he said and I ran out his room and went downstairs with him following

"And you guys knew" I asked the rest

"Natasha" Elton said

"No I'm fuckin done" I said getting my purse

"Babe" Colby said and I turned around

"What" I said

"it was a prank" he said as he had a camera and was with a girl fully clothed but I didn't care it still hurt

"I don't care colby you took it too far" I said getting my keys

"No babe" he said

"Don't babe me I can't do this we're over" I said walking to my car crying

"Natasha" I hear and look and see everyone

"I'm sorry guys" I said getting in and driving away

I got back to my apartment and walked in crying and see a letter on the fridge from kian just saying he left for Vegas I wanted to get outa here for awhile so I texted my friend who are on tour if I can travel with them for a bit
me: can I join you guys on tour for a bit

Jonah: Yea for sure

Daniel: you ok

me: my boyfriend well ex now did a cheating prank on me and ya know what happens with my last boyfriend and it hurt a lot so I just need to get away for a bit

Zach: Yea were in Paris for 4 days

Jack: Côme down we miss you

Corbyn: And we for sure can make you laugh

Me: ilyg I'll take the first flight there
I smiled and packed then went on my laptop and looked at the next flight to Paris which was in 2 hours so I bought the ticket packed my carry on and ordered an Uber I put all my shit in the car and got in the back and told the driver I was going to lax I decided to post on instagram



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@natashalawley: hey guys I just wanted to update you guys on some stuff so I'm currently on my way to Paris I need some time away from LA some stuff happened between me and Colby and I need a break from it all I not gonna explain what happened but I still do care about him I'm taking a small break if you guys do wanna see me I'll most likely be on why don't we's story since I'm gonna go in tour with them for a bit I hope you guys understand and know that I love you guys so much

Once I got to lax I went through customs and was in my flight to Paris

*when she gets to Paris*

I wake up to the flight attendant saying that we're about to land I look out the window and am really excited to see the boys I look at my phone and see I have a snap from Jonah I open it and it's him and the boys in the airport waiting and I laugh and smile I get off and get my luggage and go to the main entrance and see them

"Oh my god" I said jumping in Jonah's arms
"I missed you guys" I said as he let me down

"its been too long" Corbyn said hugging me

"Way to long" I said just pulling them all in for a hug

"and no hug for us" I hear from behind the boys I look and see Christina gabbie and Tatum

"Fuckin move" I said pushing the boys and hugging them

"Ok just because there here doesn't mean your not spending time with us" zach said

"I know that zachy poo" I said

"Well let's go" jack said

"wheres eben" I asked

"he doesn't know your here" Daniel said putting his finger up to my lip

"ew ya nasty ass" I said pushing his hand a way as we walked to the car they all laughed I put my things in the car and we all got in and my phone dinged
baby: Natasha please I'm sorry

me: Colby you don't realize how bad I'm hurt I know it was a prank trust me but it hurts I'll make a video talking about everything when I get to my hotel and you watch it and get back to me but for now I need time

baby: fine I'm sorry I hope you know that
I looked at the text and miss his embrace I know it was a prank but hopefully he will understand why it hurt

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