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"don't say that," sehun's tone was firm, threatening. "don't you fcking ever say that." his eyes were throwing arrows at the man before him. he hiss when he feels a sharp pain on his forehead, reaching up to touch it, he sees red liquid coating his fingers. sehun's bleeding.

"say what?" the man laughs before kicking him again on his stomach, making the black haired let out a grunt.

sehun slowly stand up while coughing, he will not lose to this man. he is oh sehun, for pete's sake. he won't let anyone step on him. he throws a punch at the man, landing it on his cheek making him stumbled and fall down. sehun breathes heavily, staring at the sight of the man on the ground who's laughing despite his state. this guy is a maniac. "i'm the one who set the trap on your dad."

something in sehun flickers, eyes heating with burning rage. he kick the man on his side, giving no mercy. "i will kill you." he keeps on kicking the man, not even caring at every single groan from the man's mouth. when he sees the man start to lose his conscious, he backs away while panting heavily. chest heaving up and down. after a minute of glaring at the unconscious body below him, he walks away, not giving a damn at how messed up he looks.

he kicks the pebble on the road, the words from the man ringing in his mind. how he tricked his dad. he can feel his hands that were inside his pocket balling up into a fist. he hates that man. if there's no law he would've kill him in a snap.

he continues to walk without caring about the pain all over his body. he can feel the blood trickling down his forehead but he feels nothing. he feels numb. he feels empty.

he feels dead.

until a voice snap him out. "yah, idiot, is that you?"

sehun lift his gaze to the owner of the voice, and he start to feel his heart beating again. finally he feels something. his lips twitch up into a small smirk, "don't you have better insults than that?"

"i do."


"oh sehun."

"i hate you." sehun glares at him, kicking him an imaginary pebble. yixing raises his eyebrow at the sight of bloody oh sehun, wondering what the hell happened to the taller. the older knows that troublemaker is oh sehun's middle name but this? he didn't expect him to looked this beat up.

"did you fight with a cow or something? you look uglier."

"thanks for your consideration, you dckhead." sehun rolls his eyes at the older, although the small amused smirk never gone from his lips.

"c'mon," yixing tilt his head, motioning for the taller to follow him and he does. sehun trails behind him with his hands still buried in his pockets, no longer formed into a fist. it only takes one word for the older to make him relax like this. he can feel all the weight he has from before thrown out the window. that's the kind of magic yixing has.

"where are we going?" sehun asked.

"to the burger place near school."

sehun blink in confussion at the older, "fyi, i'm all bloody right here and you decided to bring me there instead of treating me or something?"

yixing look over his shoulder to meet sehun's eyes, "what? i'm hungry. my stomach comes first." sehun once again rolls his eyes at the black haired in front of him. of course, what did he expect from his enemy?


"ow, be more gentle, will you?" sehun hiss when yixing wipes the blood on his forehead. turns out yixing brought him to his house instead of the burger place he mentioned before saying that he doesn't want to lose his appetite when he stares at sehun's bloody figure while eating his burger. so now the older's treating his wound, at some times he would accidently press his wound a little too hard.

"you're a man, oh sehun. man up." yixing flick his forehead, returning sehun's glare.

"whatever." he mumbled. sehun watch yixing as he continues to treat him, like he's an expert at this kind of things. the two were once again in a silence, the same silence they had a week ago in detention. sehun studies yixing's features. how his skin is so porcelain and smooth, his pointy nose, his captivating brown eyes that often glares at the taller, and his plump lips.

"you're unattractive." sehun blurted out.

yixing glares at him while pressing on his wound, earning a whine from the taller. "i'm handsome as hell, excuse me." yixing stands up when he finish treating the taller's wound, throwing away the cotton he used. "what happened?" he asked after a minute of silence between the two, just staring at each other.

sehun blink once before finding his voice. "got into a fight with a man who tricked my dad." sehun can feel the blood rushing quicker in him. "he's the reason my dad's got fired from his job in front of everyone. he got insulted and he got people threatening him when he's not the one in fault." sehun grits his teeth, trying to keep the tears in his eyes from flowing. "that man i almost killed is the reason my dad's suffering right now. even his so-called-friends won't believe his side of story." sehun's trembling with anger now, eyes looking down at the floor instead of yixing's brown orbs. an image of his dad crying appeared in his mind.

then he feels yixing patting his head, bringing him closer to lean his head on yixing's chest. sehun doesn't hesitate to bury his head on his chest and wrap his arms around him. he needs yixing right now. as weird as it sound, he really needs his enemy to comfort him right now.

"you will bring justice to your dad. we will bring justice. i'll make sure of that."

sehun finally feels alive.

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