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sehun came to school with a light heart. he feels okay for today. it was a pretty normal morning and he was not looking forward to meet a certain chinese with black hair. sehun sees some familiar heads on the hallway, which consist of his friends; jongdae, jongin, chanyeol and baekhyun.

"sehun!" chanyeol grins, locking the younger by wrapping his arm around his neck.

"i wonder what day is it two days from now?" jongin feigns to think about it. sehun rolls his eyes at his childhood friend. his friends continue to talk, sehun can't help but look for a certain black hair. where is he? sehun discreetly keeps on looking for the man. searching for any sign of the dimpled man in the sea of human in the hallway.

"i think yixing hyung hasn't arrived." jongdae, being an observant, catch on what sehun's doing.

sehun however didn't bother to answer. his brow raising as he thinks about it. yixing used to come at this time. that's odd.


"so why did you gather us here?" baekhyun asked after taking a bunch of selfies with the wind blowing his hair, chanyeol helping him to make the picture look more aesthetic, as the red haired say.

"well, i..." yixing trails off, scratching the back of his neck. sehun blankly watch the older. he has been acting a little weird. he's not that loud. usually he would insult him a lot but today? not really. he's busy in his own world and sehun can't know what he was thinking.

"what?" jongin said, lifting his head from yixing's shoulder.

"um," yixing muttered. he looks flustered somehow. like something's bugging him.

sehun scowls at the chinese, "just say it. i don't have much time for you." usually yixing would snap back at him with a heavy glare, or he would flip him the bird. but now? now is different. yixing raises his gaze to meet sehun's glare, face crumpling down a bit and sehun was confused. he kinda looks...hurt. yeah, that. he continues to watch the older as he looks down to his feet again, face blank but his eyes hold something in them. pain? sadness? longing? sehun doesn't know, but he thinks it was all of them. he feels his chest twisting.

"i'm going back to china."

sehun's heart stop beating.

after a minute of silence, jongdae speak up in a soft voice. "what?"

yixing inhales deeply, "i'm going back this night."

"this...night?" chanyeol's eyes were wide, brown orbs filled with surprise and sorrowness. yixing nods as an answer, can't find himself to speak again. it emotionally drain him to reveal something like this.

"will you," baekhyun halts. "will you come back?" sehun's ears perks up at this.

"i'll try, but it would be hard. it cost a fortune, you know." yixing chuckles, trying to lift the mood but failing. sehun stares at the ground, mind blank. his enemy would be gone from tonight. he won't be bothered again. he won't hear the insults he got from his seat partner.

he won't see zhang yixing again.

"i don't want you to go." baekhyun whispered, voice almost inaudible for them. he slowly makes his way towards the dimpled man, engulfing him in a hug. "but i understand." jongdae soon joins them, hugging the dimpled man tight. as if trying to prevent him from going anywhere. chanyeol and jongin joins the three, the red haired's eyes hold tears in them.

sehun stays back.

the five hug for a long time which felt like
seconds. yixing was the one who broke the hug, saying with a smile, "c'mon, guys. there's this technology called facetime, we can use that." they let out a small laugh at that, agreeing. jongdae glance at the youngest who's standing a little far from them, not moving from where he stand the moment he came. jongdae motion for all of them to leave the rooftop, all but the chinese and his seat partner.

once they all left, yixing set his lips in a straight line. "so..." he trails off, searching for something to say. sehun was still blank, yixing can't read anything from him. "any last word, my dearest enemy?"

sehun blinks once, "fck you."

yixing smiles in return, a genuine one. and sehun hates how it looks like a goodbye smile. "fck you too."

and then the two spend their time together staring at the buildings, no words were spoken.

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