Try outs 2

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After some trial and error, the duo was able to gather their team.

"Why'd I gotta be teamed up with this mandarins?" A blue haired guy asked with obvious irritation.

"Eh? You're trying out for basketball too, gorilla?"

"Why're ya looking so surprised? I even mentioned it yesterday!"

"Really?" Hinata said with confusion, "Where's your team?"


"But I didn't hear anyone say Gorilla Aomine..."

"..." Aomine was speechless. His mouth was hanging out and his body language screamed out 'ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!'

"Ahem! We should discuss our plan, nandoya!" Midorima spoke with much irritation.

"Ok. We will be talking about our positions first. What do you guys excel at or what positions are you most familiar with? I'm best at shooting guard." Midorima took the lead.

"I was the center in elementary school." A rather bulky guy spoke, his name was Honida Kumbra.

"Uh I was shooting guard too, but I can be the point guard..." A pushover type of guy explained with fidgety actions, he was Tsumiku Nundoya. He looked very nervous and seemed to be a pawn kind of person.

"Power Forward!" Aomine shouted with a wild grin.

"I have no idea...but I'll take the... the..(small forward) the small forward!" Hinata nodded his head in thanks to Midorima, who was the one who whispered that information to him.

"As if. Tsumiku will be small forward." Honida spoke with confidence and looked down at Hinata's shortness and display of 'skills', more like the lack of it.

"No. Hinata can play the small forward, he absolutely sucks at dribbling and shooting. Tsumiku seems to be the only one with some experience with point guard so he'll just play that." Midorima countered.

"C'mon let's just talk about the battle plan already! Better yet, let's play! I'm getting pumped!" Aomine punched his fist into the air with excitement.

"Fine. Here's the plan..." The team debated what to do. Hinata just stood there, having no idea on what to do.


"TEAM 6 VS TEAM 7" The coach shouting into the mega mic.

The two teams stepped onto the court with anxiety. Except for Aomine, he's just shaking with excitement.


And with that, the game starts. The other team got the ball and started out strong. He dribbled toward team 6's goal and already dodged Tsumiku. But the ball got stolen by Aomine. Aomine tried dodging through the opposing team but got overpowered by a double block. The ball could've still been in play if he tossed it to Midorima, but there was a discoordination in both teams.

The ball was shot into the hoop by the other team's shooting guard. The game continued until the scores were 6-7 with team 7 in the lead when Hinata accidentally fouled and team 7's player got the ball in.

Throughout the game, Hinata got over his nervousness and slowly improved. Midorima did his amazing shot that completely shocked the gym.

"Oh my god, look at that ARC!"

"I know right! And didja see that blue haired fella power through 'em?"

"Lol! Look at the twerp! He's totally bringing down the whole team!"

The gym seemed to be gossiping like girls fawning over a hot guy. Even bad-mouthing Hinata, but Hinata doesn't seem to care. More like he doesn't hear what they were saying. He was too absorbed in the game to know.

His gaze transformed from their usual innocent vibe to a serious one. Even the atmosphere changed with him. Hinata knew that he could get his A game soon, he was almost there.


An opportunity arose when his opponent tried dribbling the ball past him since Hinata was team 6's biggest weakness. But to his surprise, Hinata swiftly got the ball back and quickly dribbled to the goal. To both team's surprise, Hinata didn't trip on his feet and swiftly dodged his blocker before passing it towards Midorima, who was on the 3point line and accurately landed the goal.

The tide shifted, 8-7 with team 6 in the lead. Hinata's team wasn't able to express their surprise before team 7's middle got the ball and lunged towards the hoop. Luckily, Aomine blocked him and quickly passed the ball to the closest teammate before being cornered.

Hinata coincidentally got the ball and went to the hoop with surprising speed. Time was ticking down as Hinata got to the basketball hoop. His teammates were nowhere near him so he decided to do the second best option.

To dunk it.

All the other scoring methods were unavailable or had a very low chance of succeeding.
So Hinata got into a low stance before propelling up like a firework.
Zooming towards the rim, Hinata quickly slammed the ball in and fell back down.

And just like a firework, everyone was amazed. Hinata fell down onto his back and only then did he register the silence. The only thing heard was the thumping of the basketball before the crowd shouted in amazement and praise.

A feeling of joy made his heart pound and had him grinning wildly.

'I don't mind doing that again' Hinata thought as he felt his seriousness for basketball solidify.

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