Secret plan: BEGIN!

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Time Skip: 1 Week

"'s been a whole week since Hinata even talked to me nanodayo..." Midorima quizzically thought. He rolled him lucky pencil around as the teacher blabbed on.

'He doesn't even walk with me home anymore... All he does is hang out with Aomine and Kuroko...'

Midorima grumbled before staring at Aomine across the classroom. As always, that idiot tucked his head in his arms as he obliviously slept the class away. At the beginning, the teacher would always yell at Aomine, but it never got through his thick skull of his to actually listen to the teacher's advice. The teacher soon got fed up with him and just left him to rot away.

'What is even good about that idiot?' Midorima sulked. 'All he has is his basketball skills.'

Grumbling a bit more, he stared a hole into Aomine's head.

'Wait a second.' His eyes lit up. 'If Hinata likes that guy, they must have similar interests aside from basketball...'

A devil-like smile graced his face as he realized what he must do. 'I'll just gather information about his hobbies and show Hinata that we have the same interest! Then we will be able to bond over it!'

He vigorously nodded in satisfaction as eagerly wrote down his step by step plan. Not noticing the slightly weirded out faces of his classmates or the fact that they scooted a bit away from him.


Midorima stared expectantly at his watch as he counted down the seconds before the bell rang. And just before the bell rang, Midorima already stuffed his supplies to his bag while having a small notebook and magnetic pencil in hand.

He stared expectantly at Aomine, waiting for him to jump out of seat as usual and run to the gym. But contrary to his expectations, Aomine just lazily stretched out his arms and legs. He twisted his head, satisfying cracks of bone popping were released. And at a snail's pace, he lazily slung the bag on his shoulder and headed out.

Midorima watched in confusion before discerned why Aomine was acting like a sloth.

'Oh yeah, we don't have basketball practice today...' Midorima's curiosity doubled, wondering what Aomine does when there wasn't any practice. Usually he would just stay after for more basketball practice with the ghost person and Hinata, but now that the gym is closed... His eyes shined as he wondered.


'What did I even think would happen.' Midorima annoyingly thought. He had followed Aomine to the school's gate, where Hinata was already waiting. Midorima quickly hid from their sight,  sneakily stalking them as they walked around. And to no ones surprise, they went to a basketball court.

They've been playing for 2 hours straight now. Barely any breaks, just 1v1 the whole time. Midorima hid behind one of the nearby trees. He set a blanket on the ground to not get any germs on him and even had a mini picnic.

"Ahh! I'm famished!" Hinata yelled as Aomine dunked again for the whatever amount of times. Midorima piqued at Hinata's words since that was one of the words that Midorima tried teaching him. He secretly felt very appreciative that Hinata actually used the word correctly and in a real life situation.

"Same-" Aomine yawned. "Wanna go to Maji Burger?"


"What? You don't even know?" Aomine swung on his backpack and jutted his chin, beckoning Hinata to follow. "C'mon, I'll show you paradise!"

Like a chick following it's mother, Hinata waddled after Aomine to the food spot. At the speed light, Midoriya packed up his things and looked up the nearest Maji Burger. His plan was to hide inside as a customer before they got there. He would be able to perfect his disguise! Midoriya vowed on his lucky charm that he will succeed!

With a tap of his phone, Midorima called his private driver. In less than a minute, a car screeched to a stop in front of Midorima. He jumped in, and shouted, "To Maji Burger! Quickly, this is of the utmost important!"

The driver nodded his head and zoomed off; there was no point in asking why his stoic young master was suddenly anxious and frantic. He checked it off as puberty problems; besides, if the young master wants it, then there is nothing that would stop the driver from completing it.

Loud yells of horror rang out as the car wildly swung around a corner, threading around every car. Midorima almost smacked his face against the door as the driver crazily spun the car into a parallel park.

Midorima limply laid on the side of the car door, looking very pale and a tad green. He shakily got out of the car.

Smoke bellowed up from the worn down tires. The driver rolled down his window with a smile, "Have a good trip young master!"

Midorima could only nod as he watched the car zoom away.

' has he not gotten arrested yet?' As if summoned, a police car rushes past him with a loud siren screeching.



Hello! I seriously never thought that this fanfiction would ever be this popular. I made it as a gag, a little present to fulfill my fantasy but never did I think it would reach out to so many others. Thank you for reading this; for sticking with my years long hiatus.

I never expected to update this again but all the comments I got everyday motivated me. To be honest, I never expected to continue this fanfiction. I even hated it at one point. It was suppose to be done and dusted, but now I'll do it for you guys.

Thank you everyone!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2020 ⏰

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