=Chapter 4=

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- Friday -

You haven't received a call or text from Namjoon after you two texted. You've been thinking what was the winky face that he sent you on his last message, you can't get it out of your mind.

*knock* *knock*

You open the door and saw your well dressed best friend, you look at her from head to toe. 

"Why are you all dressed up for?" you asked.

"Have you forgotten, we're going clubbing!" she raised both of her hands in the air. 

Ah...I forgot about that.

"Sorry, Hana. I can't go clubbing today, I have to meet someone tomorrow and I can't get drunk today" you apologized, Hana was surprised to hear you saying that you're meeting someone; since you never go out, you only hang out with her.

"What? Who are you meeting with?" she asked.

"Um...it's the gu-"

"The guy you called Mr Clumsy?" she cut you off before you could finish.

"Yeah..." you respond.

"Oh my gosh! Did he call you already?" she asked.

"Well, he actually texted me. He asks if we can go have lunch together, which is happening tomorrow" you explained.

"He's so interested in you," Hana said, you scoff.

"Hana, there's is no way he's interested in me. Look at me, I look like a-"

"Potato" Hana finished your sentence...again, she looks at you from head to toe.

"Yep, I know. You look like a potato, you always say that whenever I say guys have interest in you" she walks into your apartment and close the door behind her. "[F/n], can you at least be confident about yourself. You're beautiful, but you're just hiding that beautiful face of yours behind those fake glasses. Now, try taking them off"

Hana walks slowly to you as she lifting her arms to take off your glasses, but you knew what she is going to do and slowly backing away from her.

"What are you doing?" you asked.

"Just stand still, I just have to...take those glasses off!" you started running away from her and she runs after you.

"NO! There is no way I'm taking these glasses off, without this I can't look people straight in the eyes when I'm talking to them!" you yelled.

"But you can't have those forever on you" she stops running after you and felt exhausted. "How about tomorrow? You can't be looking like that, you have to show your beautiful face to him"

"What are you on about?" you asked.

"Isn't he asking you on a date?" she respond.

"What? He's just asking me to have lunch together, not date!" you shouted.

"Date or not, you still have to take those glasses off!" she started running again and so do you.


Outside your apartment was the landlord's grandson who was walking by heard screaming and noises in your apartment.

"What the hell is wrong in this room?" he said as he stares at your apartment door.

"Jackson, can you help me here?"

"I'm coming!"


Namjoon's P.O.V

It's been five days since the last time I texted her, I didn't get a reply to the last message I sent her. 

Is it because of the winky face?

Tomorrow is the day I'll be meeting her, I'm worried that she might not come and get weirded out on the winky face I sent her. 

"Argh! I should've not sent that!" ruffle my hair in frustration. The door of my room suddenly opened, it was the three maknae again.

"What's wrong, hyung?" Jeongguk-ah asked.

"Did something happen?" Taehyung-ah asked.

"How's it going with that girl?" Jimin-ah asked.

I lie down on my bed and let out a sigh. "I think I've sent something wrong in my message..." I said.

"What did you do?" the three asked at the same time.

"On my last message, I put a winky face" I answered. "I think she's weirded out on me..."

"Hyung...you should've not done that..." Jeongguk-ah said.

"I knew it!" I said as I hug my Ryan plushie. "What should I do? What if she didn't come tomorrow?"

"Wait...tomorrow? What going to happen tomorrow?" Jimin-ah asked.

"I ask her to have lunch with me" I reply.

"Are you asking her out on a date?!" the three yell, I sit up immediately.

"No! I'm just asking her to lunch, I'm not asking her on a date. I'm just want to be her friend, okay" I explained.

"Friend...that's what guys say whenever they are interested in a girl, what they want is to get to know her even more" I heard Hoseok-ah's voice and finding his head peeking inside my room.

"Hoseok-hyung, since when did you get here?" Jimin-ah asked.

"I've been here since the beginning, I've been following you three" Hoseok-ah reply, he then looks at me then come inside my room, then sat down beside my bed.

"So, what time are you meeting up with her?" Hoseok-ah asked.

"I'll be picking her up at twelve pm" I respond.

"Good luck with your date~," he said as he pats my right shoulder.

"It's not a date!" I shouted.

"Hehe, stop lying. In your mind it's a date" he laughs and runs off my room.

"*sigh* How many times do I have to tell everyone that it's not a date?" I sigh.

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